v3.8.4 | Sep 26, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.8.4 Release Banner
  • Update: [Vendor Subscription] After successfully buying a recurring subscription, vendors will receive an email notification.
  • Update: [Announcement] We’ve improved the text you see when searching for vendors on the admin dashboard. This change makes it clearer when you’re doing your initial search.
  • Update: [Store List API/Geolocation] We’ve added support for location-based filtering in the Store list API. This means you can find stores based on their location more easily.
  • Update: [Wholesale] For users without first or last names, you’ll now see “no name” in the wholesale customer table.
  • Update: We’ve made various style improvements to the Dokan frontend, including the Vendor Dashboard, Single Store Page, and Single Product Page.
  • Update: [SPMV] When assigning products to vendors on the admin dashboard, you’ll now see the store name instead of the full name.
  • Fix: [Coupon] We’ve resolved an issue where coupons were not excluding products as expected.
  • Fix: [Delivery Time] Translations for “am” and “pm” in store open and close times now work correctly. This issue affected the Delivery Time section on the vendor dashboard.
  • Fix: [Vendor Shipping] Vendor shipping now supports “Location not covered by your other zones.”
  • Fix: [Wholesale] Users who previously bought a WooCommerce product subscription (which changed their role to subscriber) can now become wholesale customers as intended.
  • Fix: [Wholesale] You can now create wholesale products via the REST API without any issues.
  • Fix: [SPMV] Fixed a fatal error while searching products via API while not providing any argument like product_id, Endpoint: {{SERVER_URL}}/wp-json/dokan/{{version}}/spmv-product/search
  • Fix: [SPMV] Fixed a fatal error while trying already cloned product to cart, Endpoint: {{SERVER_URL}}/wp-json/dokan/{{version}}/spmv-product/add-to-store
  • Fix: [Vendor Dashboard] The values of attributes will now appear correctly on the edit product page in Dokan Vendor Dashboard (new).