v2.9.0 | October 03, 2018

Dokan Pro v2.9.0 Release Banner
  • New: Add Geolocation module ( Business & Enterprise Package )
  • New: Add Moip payment gateway module ( Professional, Business & Enterprise Package )
  • New: Allow vendor to add product tag from vendor dashboard
  • New: Allow admin to verify a vendor from the backend and add send email again functionalities
  • New: Send new order email to vendor staff
  • New: Make dokan admin backend pages responsive
  • Tweak: Upload vendor verification data to separate folder
  • Tweak: Replace all dir constant to dirname function
  • Tweak: Refund calculation for admin and vendor
  • Tweak: Dokan rebuild order table functionality
  • Fix: Subscription product shouldn’t be listed on vendor product listing page
  • Fix: Unable to save category for a subscription product
  • Fix: Exporting product from admin panel issue
  • Fix: Send approved refund request email to vendor
  • Fix: Disable creating new product if a vendor is not subscribed to any package
  • Fix: Stripe payment gateway is still available in vendor dashboard even if it’s turned off
  • Fix: Store support widget is not showing in backend widget page
  • Fix: Variation API schema added in dokan rest API
  • Fix: Shipping zone is not working correctly
  • Fix: Unable to buy subscription pack using stripe connect
  • Fix: Allow the shop manager to change user subscription from the backend
  • Fix: Image and hyperlink in the announcement body do not reach in the vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Disproving or rejecting Address which have previously been approved, still shows approved in store sidebar
  • Fix: Vendor should not be able to sell subscription product
  • Fix: Paypal credentials are not set warning even PayPal is turned off
  • Fix: Booking day view is not visible
  • Fix: Quantity discount is not visible in mobile device
  • Fix: Refund pagination is not showing in admin backend
  • Fix: Remove category commission options if multiple categories is allowed