

What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro 3.11.3 release email banner
    • Update: We’ve added support for email recipient settings in some email templates.
    • Update: You can now filter vendors by subscription on the admin dashboard’s Dokan vendor listing page.
    • Update: We’ve added direct links to relevant settings from the vendor progress bar for easier navigation.
    • Fix: We’ve resolved an issue where vendors could see all store categories when creating product add-ons, even if their subscription limited their product categories. Now, vendors will only see categories they’re allowed to use.
    • Fix: Fixed PHP fatal errors that occurred on PHP 8.0 when the reset function received a null value instead of an array.
    • Fix: Updated the Stripe Express onboarding message on the settings page for incomplete connections.
    • Fix: Fixed a problem where subscription cancellation emails weren’t sent for recurring subscriptions with a validity limit.
    • Fix: We’ve corrected the value returned by the ‘filter_packages’ function when the package contents are empty.
    • Fix: In VendorVerification, we’ve removed an irrelevant warning that was appearing on the vendor registration form.
    • Fix: We’ve removed unwanted HTML elements from the tax amount and currency symbol display on the vendor dashboard’s order details page.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where vendors couldn’t update their store location if they had previously verified their address through vendor verification.
    • Fix: Connecting Stripe Express from the seller setup wizard now correctly increases the profile completion score.
    • Fix: We’ve fixed issues with the API for variation product default attributes.
    • Fix: Corrected wholesale data for variation products in the API.
    • Fix: Fixed shipping tax data for variation products in the API.
    • Fix: We’ve resolved issues with the variation list API.
    • Dokan WPML Version 1.1.5
    • Update: Dokan Product meta-key is now set to copy in WPML. This means that when you use WPML for multilingual websites, the product meta-key information will be copied across different languages, ensuring consistency in product data.
    • New: We’ve added string translation configuration for the Dokan dashboard menu manager. This new feature allows you to translate the menu items in the Dokan dashboard, making it easier for vendors who speak different languages to navigate and use the dashboard in their preferred language.
    • Fix: We’ve fixed the store category count sync for multiple languages. Now, if you’re using a multilingual setup, the number of products in each store category will be accurately displayed across all language versions of your site.
  • Dokan Pro v3.11.2 Release Banner 1

    New: [Free Shipping Coupon for Vendors] Vendors can now create free shipping coupons from their coupon dashboard. This allows them to offer special shipping promotions to their customers. Additionally, vendors can easily add free shipping options using coupons from their shipping dashboard, making it easier to provide attractive incentives and a smooth shopping experience.

    Update: Stripe express recipient cross-border transfer payout support added for US platform.

    Update: A message for pending refund requests has been added to the order details page. The refund request button will be hidden when there is a pending refund request.

    Fix: Cache issue resolved for the Product Advertisement module.

    Fix: Vendor Subscription Activation issue fixed when purchasing with PayPal.

    Fix: Removed empty columns from the order details page.

    Fix: Stopped sending the Vendor Enable email when switching plans for already enabled vendors.

    Fix: Vendor announcement email now correctly redirects to the individual announcement page instead of the announcement archive page.

    Fix: Users are now redirected to the correct URL after Stripe authorization.

    Fix: [Store Review] Fixed Admin CSS loading issue in the store review module.

    Fix: Fixed PHP 8.2 warning on the checkout page.

    Fix: Fixed MangoPay Webhook issue that tried to register webhooks when the API was not initially configured.

    Fix: Fixed the inability to create UBO verification for vendors in the MangoPay Settings page.

  • Dokan Pro v3.11.1 Release Banner
    • Update: We have updated the URLs for payment gateways like Dokan Stripe Connect, Stripe Express, and PayPal on the payment management page.
    • Update: Redesigned the vendor verification process with a new custom method and added a setup wizard to make it easier.
    • Update: Updated the announcement title and content for vendors who don’t have any content or products. Now it provides more relevant and up-to-date information.
    • Fix: Fixed the issue with wholesale prices on the Classic Cart page. Now, the price shown matches the one set on the Product Edit page, so there’s no confusion about the total cost.
    • Fix: The exclusive seller badge button on the admin dashboard vendor edit page is now working correctly.
    • Fix: We cleared up the confusing seller badge content on the admin dashboard.
    • Fix: Removed the cache for withdrawals during automatic disbursement to ensure accurate processing.
    • Fix: The translations in the Product Q&A frontend are now loading correctly.
    • Fix: We set a default value for the chat button on the product page in the admin settings.
    • Fix: Payment gateway fees for Stripe and Stripe Express now include tax in their calculations.
  • Dokan Pro v3.11.0 Release Banner
    • Introducing a New Feature – ‘Product Q&A’
    • New Feature: Experience real-time engagement with our interactive Product Q&A Module. On product pages, visitors can ask direct questions and receive fast responses from vendors or admins. Provide unparalleled customer service, drive conversions, and foster trust by creating a frictionless, personalized shopping experience.
    • Fix: We’ve stopped a fatal error from happening when activating the abuse reason module and on the single product page.
    • Fix: [Email Verification] Verified sellers won’t be redirected to the first step of the seller setup wizard after clicking the ‘Let’s Go’ button anymore.
    • Fix: The translation on the Stripe Express webhook URL in the settings page has been removed.
    • Fix: Vendors can now properly apply availability rules for resources edited in the Vendor Dashboard.
    • Fix: The display of line item prices in the refund request table and the table heading label have been corrected.
  • Dokan Pro v3.10.4 Release Banner
    • Update: Cart fee support has been added for PayPal Marketplace, allowing you to include additional charges or fees in the cart during checkout.
    • Update: [Delivery Time] For deliveries, the store’s default location will be automatically selected when a store has only one location, making the process more convenient.
    • Fix: The store support topic sub-menu previously displayed a duplicate border, which has now been resolved.
    • Fix: The admin user’s title and image were not rendering correctly on the Admin Store Support page, but this issue has been fixed.
    • Fix: A fatal error that occurred while activating the WeMail Plugin has been resolved.
    • Fix: An issue with the announcement year data rendering incorrectly on the vendor dashboard widget has been addressed.
    • Fix: A problem has been resolved where the payment status failed to update correctly when the MangoPay payment resource ID validation failed during the payment process.
    • Fix: An issue that prevented payouts from working as expected when the instant payout option was enabled in the WooCommerce Payments (MangoPay) settings has been fixed.
    • Fix: An order note will now be added when there is a mismatch between the instant payout settings. Specifically, if instant payouts are disabled in the user’s MangoPay account but enabled in the WooCommerce Payments (MangoPay) settings by the admin, an order note will be created to inform the user about the mismatch and the reason for the standard payout process being used.
    • Fix: A problem where payouts were not working correctly for digital products has been resolved.
    • Fix: Booking calendar by time support has been added, allowing you to schedule appointments or reservations based on specific time slots.