v3.0.0 | March 25, 2020

Dokan Pro v3.0.0 Release Banner
  • Fix: Outdated template warning on vendor migration page
  • Fix: Undefined variable warning while adding a new product addon (Porduct Addons)
  • Fix: When vendor access the backend, he can see the dokan menu due to store review permission issue (Store Review)
  • Fix: Remove required fields attributes on product edit page ( Product Addons)
  • Fix: Store progressbar is not updating when vendor save stripe or wirecard payment method (Stipre & Wirecard)
  • Fix: Customer can place order from sellers who are on vacation (Seller Vacation)
  • Fix: Prevent duplicate order creation on stripe 3ds checkout (Stripe)
  • Fix: Exporting Google Map MarkerClusterer (Geolocation)
  • Fix: Active and inactve social profile in vendor single page
  • Fix: Various typos on different pages
  • Fix: Make vendor staff permissions label translatable (Vendor Staff)
  • Fix: Product review pagination is not working correctly (Vendor Staff)
  • Fix: MAP on the store listing page is not showing if Google API key field is empty but Mapbox (Geolocation)
  • Fix: Modifying the product from the Admin backend reverts the product location to same as store (Geolocation)
  • Fix: If admin has earning from an order, only then refund application fee (Stripe)
  • Feat: Brand support for single product multivendor and normal clone products (SPMV)
  • Improvement: Add documentation link for modules in admin module page
  • Improvement: Make store support template overridable (Store Support)
  • Improvement: Plugin build process and add script to upload built zips on BitBucket
  • Improvement: Overall code structure and performance