v 3.0.5 | 22 July, 2020

Dokan Pro v3.0.5 Release Banner
  • Feat:Decimal and Thousand Separator with Comma
  • Feat:Gateway Fee, Total Shipping and Total Tax 3 new columns added on all logs
  • Feat:Gallery image restriction count for vendor subscription module
  • Fix: Stripe token issue fixed
  • Fix: Shipping Issue with Same Country Multiple Zones
  • Fix: Vendor product subscriptions not working with stripe connect
  • Fix: Dokan Stripe conflicting with other payment methods when only enable it
  • Fix: Add cart validation when try to add multiple subscriptions products
  • Fix: When subscriptions product payment complete then active status update
  • Fix: Subscription module image gallery restriction added for product edit
  • Fix: Vendor subscription conflict with WooCommerce subscription in admin edit product page
  • Fix: Fix loading active modules
  • Fix: Now gateway fee subtract from admin commission value and make it separate column on all logs
  • Fix: When try to add new card number in my account page on payment methods tab then it not worked
  • Fix: Coupon and auction module pricing issues
  • Fix: Gateway fee minus from admin commission earning
  • Fix: Fatal error showing on refund request when RMA enable
  • Fix: Fatal error when place an order note by vendor staff