v3.1.2 | Dec 01, 2020

Dokan Pro v3.1.2 Release Banner
  • Fix: Vendor gets error while purchasing normal product with PayPal in checkout page
  • Fix: Single product multi vendor products showing others vendor area issue when SPMV product duplicated
  • Fix: Admin commission set 0 by default when create/update vendor form admin area
  • Fix: Enable vacation mode is hiding products from vendor dashboard, vendor not able to see the products
  • Fix: Vendor staff not able to add/edit any product on vendor dashboard, also fixed capabilities issue and improve code standard
  • Fix: Vendor shipping settings page showing JS error issue when try to add/update any shipping zone
  • Fix: Update vendor review REST API and fixed some errors
  • Fix: SMS verification error message translation not available
  • Fix: SMS verification error handling for vendors
  • Fix: Booking product virtual option not saving while 1st time create form vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Coupon minimum amount not working with variation products issue fixed
  • Fix: Vendor product addon appears in every product in marketplace when that vendor logged in
  • Fix: Product wise Commission is not working in subscription product on admin area product edit page
  • Fix: Report CSV header mismatch issue fixed
  • Fix: Stripe Dashboard does not show the price including the tax for vendors
  • Fix: SKU data not importing when CSV import on vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Booking single day no data showing, responsiveness issue fixes form vendor dashboard booking details page
  • Fix: Product SEO default meta description removed from vendor dashboard product edit page
  • Fix: Check product pack end date before cancelling vendor subscriptions
  • Fix: Downloads files showing multiple entries when have suborder
  • Fix: Variable product showing extra fields when subscription type product update from vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Bookable Product: Booking by day view which is missing in Booking calendar.
  • Fix: If the processing fee is not 0 and if the dokan_gateway_fee_paid_by meta is blank then the processing fee is paid by the admin.