v3.2.0 | Jan 29, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.2.0 Release Banner
  • Feat: [Livechat] Added WhatsApp provider for livechat
  • Feat: [Livechat] Added tawk.to provider for livechat
  • New: [Geolocation] Added New: settings where admin can set whether to display the map in shop or store listing page or both page
  • New: [Store Support] Added Store support form for single product page
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Added separate email subject and body for subscription cancellation and alert emails
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Added Dokan upgrader to move existing vendor subscription data to New: keys
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Update: Billing Cycle Stops fields if Billing Cycle Type changes
  • Update: [Vendor Subscription] Changed product_pack_startdate and product_pack_enddate value from date() to current_datetime(), this will Fix: timezone mismatch
  • Update: [Vendor Subscription] Changed _subscription_period_interval, _subscription_period, _subscription_length into _dokan_subscription_period_interval, _dokan_subscription_period, _dokan_subscription_length. This was causing conflict with WooCommerce Subscription
  • Update: [Vendor Subscription] Disable email verification if subscription module is enabled in the registration form
  • Fix: [Import Export]: All metadata are not exporting
  • Fix: [Auction] Dokan auction product addons are not saving
  • Fix: [SPMV] Fix:ed seller can clone product using sell this item without a subscription
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Product duplicate button based on active subscription
  • Fix: [Booking] Booking buffer period duration unit label is not translatable
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Email Subscription Ending Soon email is never sent
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Recurring payment is not canceling if admin assigns non-recurring subscription from the admin dashboard.
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Subscription purchased by PayPal was canceled immediately if subscription pack is not recurring
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Added additional fee if commission type is combined for non-dokan payment gateways
  • Fix: [Stripe] Multiple stripe webhook was creating, moved webhook creation code under activation/deactivation hooks, deactivate and active module to apply these changes
  • Fix: [Stripe] Fix:ed fatal error if the source string is empty if users try to change payment method from my account page
  • Fix: [Stripe] Fix:ed fatal error if the order value is less than or equal to zero for Stripe 3DS mode, this was causing the whole payment to fail.
  • Fix: [Auction] Relist Feat:ure is unavailable on the vendor dashboard
  • Fix: [Auction] Vendors can not add & save New: tags on Auction type products
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fix:ed Elementor module causing issue with support ticket mail
  • Fix: [Geolocation] Fix:ed Mapbox issue with RTL supported language
  • Fix: [Geolocation] Fix:ed Geolocation position settings left and right area
  • Fix: [Geolocation] Geolocation map autozoom when getting long distance between multiples stores/products locations
  • Fix: [Export/Import] Hide export button when no product found for that author
  • Fix: [Vendor Analytics] Vendor analytics deprecated warning
  • Fix: [Subscription] Delete recurring subscription key after a subscription has been deleted
  • Fix: [Store Support] Fix:ed wrong order reference URL in support tickets in WooCommerce my account and Dokan vendor dashboard area
  • Fix: Product add pop-up validation error message style Fix:
  • Fix: Fixed dokan_admin js var undefined issue at add/edit product page
  • Fix: Fixed undefined ID notice while creating products from vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Downloadable options panel not showing
  • Fix: Fixed Vendor Setting to discount on order calculation error
  • Fix: Fixed product view undefined index error for post_type
  • Fix: Dokan Shortcode Block returns “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.” error while trying to add a shortcode
  • Fix: Fixed WPML conflict with menu and widget page when users try to switch between language