v3.3.7 | Sept 30, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.3.7 Release Banner
  • Feat: [Store Location Pickup] Customers no longer have to wait for their product’s delivery but rather collect it at their preferable time. They can choose from – vendor-provided single or multiple pickup locations during check out and grab their purchases conveniently.
  • Feat: [PayPal Marketplace] Vendor Subscription support added for Dokan PayPal Marketplace Payment Gateway
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] filter subscription by package and by stores
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Sort subscription by start date
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Relation Type column added under WooCommerce order table, (support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
  • New: [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Related Orders meta box added under order details page (Support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
  • New: Added export order permission for staffs, vendors and admins
  • Update: auto process api refund for orders placed using non dokan payment gateways
  • Update: [Vendor Analytics] User readable Analytics chart data title added
  • Update: [Import/Export] sample file download link added in Vendor product CSV import form
  • Update: Center map on location search in store listing geolocation
  • Fix: Fixed js deprecated warnings on various pages
  • Fix: [Elementor] multiple deprecated warning Fixed
  • Fix: Refund amount and tax over refund check
  • Fix: Dokan Pro interference removed from WooCommerce Product Import
  • Fix [RMA] Fixed multiple warnings.
  • Fix [RMA] Only display correct/selected refund reason in New RMA request page.
  • Fix: [RMA] RMA not working for variable product
  • Fix: Fixed product attribute value sanitization issue
  • Fix: [Vendor Staff] Remove admin login url from vendor staff email
  • Fix: hide dokan shipping setting after WPML activation
  • Fix: SKU not importing when ID field is blank
  • Fix: Export all button disabled when there is no data in vendor
  • Fix: Hide product addon settings when creating a grouped product
  • Fix: Post object and type check when change vendor support topic status