v3.3.9 | Oct 13, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.3.9 Release Banner
  • Feat: [Auction] Added auction activity Feature for vendors
  • new: Added two new filter hooks named dokan_pro_scripts and dokan_load_settings_content_shipping so that some Feature can be extended via theme authors
  • Update: [PayPal Marketplace] Added 60+ new country supports for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module.
  • Update: [Geolocation] Detect user geo location automatically
  • Fix: [PayPal Marketplace] Vendors, previously, could not purchase any product if they are subscribed to a vendor subscription plan, which has now been Fixed
  • Fix: [Delivery Time] Vendor dashboard’s Store Settings form fields were not saving if delivery time module was enabled
  • Fix: [Geolocation] Fixed search filter URL redirect issue. Previously, when a user submitted Dokan geolocation filter form, it was redirecting in the current page URL instead of the Store listing page.
  • Fix: [Product Inquiry] Vendor Contact form didn’t contain “Reply To” email address when a customer would contact a vendor via the product inquiry form. Issue has been resolved now.