v3.7.6 | Sep 27, 2022

Dokan Pro v3.7.6 Release Banner
  • Fix: [SPMV] Fixed magnify popup style broken in SPMV search result page
  • Fix: Fixed some warning while bulk publishing products
  • Fix: [Coupons]: Dokan coupon is not applying for the variations if the parent product is selected for that coupon.
  • Fix: [Geolocation] Fixed Map is not loading on some pages
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Some deprecated warnings while creating renewal order for Vendor Subscription.
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fatal error on elementor update when dokan container is not set
  • Fix: [PayPal Marketplace] Smart payment button was not loading
  • Fix: [VendorSubscription] Selecting a child category doesn’t work on child category children.