v3.7.17 | Mar 23, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.7.17 Release Banner
  • New: [StripeExpress] Support for cross-border onboarding and transfer within the boundary of the European Union and SEPA
  • New: [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Rank Math Module
  • New: [NewVendorDashboard] Added support for Geolocation Module
  • New: [StripeExpress] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Stripe Express
  • New: [MangoPay] Added support for purchasing product advertisement via Mango Pay
  • New: [FollowStore] Added API endpoint to get a vendor follower list (wp-json/dokan/v1/follow-store/followers?vendor_id=1)
  • Update: [StripeExpress] Optimized payment request buttons implementation on the cart page
  • Update: [SPMV] Removed the capability to clone Grouped Products.
  • Update: [PayPalMarketplace] Display a formatted error message if a refund request gets canceled due to insufficient balance under the vendor’s PayPal account.
  • Update: [PayPalMarketplace] Set PayPal product type to PPCP only if UCC mode is enabled and supported otherwise product type will be selected as Express.
  • Update: [HPOS] Added High Performance Order Storage support for MangoPay and StripeExpress
  • Fix: [ProductCategoryPopup] Default category is selected by default during bulk edit has been Fixed
  • Fix: [SPMV] Product Advertisement Payment & Reverse Withdrawal Payment product showing on SPMV list
  • Fix: [FollowStore] Fixed permalink reset issue after activating the module
  • Fix: [StoreCategories] Uncategorized count increases after adding New users other than seller role