v3.7.18 | Apr 10, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.7.18 Release Banner
  • Update: [StripeExpress] Admin will be able to disconnect/delete connected seller accounts from the admin dashboard user details page
  • Update: [MangoPay] Added support for non-recurring payments for Vendor Subscription products.
  • Fix: [VendorDashboard] Fixed announcement menu is not highlighted for the announcement details page.
  • Fix: [VendorDashboard] Fixed wrong navigation link on the order details page on product line items lists.
  • Fix: [VendorDashboard] Fixed duplicating any product bypass the New Product Status feature, now set to draft as default product status
  • Fix: Fixed some deprecated PHP warnings
  • Fix: [StoreSupport] Fixed Support ticket wasn’t loading from admin panel if vendor id wasn’t found on topic meta.
  • Fix: [RequestForQuote] Fixed unable to add variable products to the cart if the request for quotation module is enabled
  • Fix: [StoreOpenCloseTime] Fixed time selector of the store open close time settings was broken.
  • Fix: [Refund] Refund request wasn’t successful if tax amount rounding precision is greater than 2