3.7.14 | Feb 13, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.7.14 Release Banner
  • New [Module] Seller Badge: Offer vendors varieties of badges by their performance in your marketplace.
  • [API] New endpoint to duplicate product via API: /dokan/v2/products/:id/duplicate
  • Fiix: [Refund] The search option in the Refund menu is not operational.
  • Fiix: [VendorStaff] Product importer gets stuck when a vendor staff tries to import products.
  • [RestAPI]: fatal error for deleting product variation
  • Fiix: [MinMaxQuantities] Min-max rule for products cannot be disabled.
  • Fiix: [DokanShippingStatus] The order note email is sent to the customer when a shipping status is added to an order by the vendor alongside the shipping status email.
  • Fiix [Dokan Wholesale]: Wholesale customer approval setting is not working correctly.
  • Fiix: [Refund] Using more user-friendly alert for sub-orders refund from the main order and refunded products are not being restocked.
  • Fiix: [Elementor] The available templates do not show up on the Library modal window.
  • Fiix: [VendorReports] Fiixed wrong calculation of net sales on vendor reports
  • Fiix: [AdminReports] Fiixed “By Day” & “By Vendor” filter screen keeps loading
  • Fiix: [RequestForQuotation] Customer search of Request for Quotation not working on the plain permalink structure
  • Fiix: [RequestForQuotation] Error on updating existing quote of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected
  • Fiix: [RequestForQuotation] Error on adding New quote rule of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected
  • Fiix: [RequestForQuotation] Error on updating existing quote rule of Request for Quotation module if plain permalink selected