v2.3 | June 20, 2015

Dokan Pro v2.3 Release Banner
  • New: Add new flat view style for product add and edit on seller dashboard
  • New: Add store SEO manage system for sellers store page
  • New: Add shipping calculator on single product page shipping tab
  • New: Add new tab on seller store page to show terms and conditions
  • Tweak: Store address field change to multiple-fields on seller dashboard store settings
  • Tweak: New Products on “draft” status by default
  • Tweak: Address field can be not required
  • Fix: Fix styling issue in seller dashboard shipping settings options
  • Fix: Fix some text domain for translation issues on several pages
  • Fix: Fix empty title and empty category error on seller dashboard product edit page
  • Fix: Plugin updater: return false early when response error
  • Fix: Fix placeholder translation support for phone number and store name on seller dashboard store settings