v2.9.5 | Feb 18, 2019

Dokan Pro v2.9.5 Release Banner
  • New: Automate order refund process via stripe
  • New: Add create review REST endpoint (Store Review Module)
  • New: Add trial subscription functionality in (Subscription Module)
  • New: Add product type & gallery image upload restriction in vendor subscription (Subscription Module)
  • New: Show privacy policy info in a product enquiry form
  • New: Send an email to a vendor on store follows and unfollows
  • Fix: Incorrect shipping zone in cart page, when a vendor limit his zone with postcode
  • Fix: Store SEO time formatting issue on Google console
  • Fix: Unable to select country or state in vendor shipping
  • Fix: Unable to send an announcement to a single vendor
  • Fix: Import export module does not allow to update an existing product (Import Export Module)
  • Fix: Format geo metadata while importing from CSV (Geolocation Module)
  • Fix: Remove unnecessary quote from a template (geolocation Module)
  • Fix: Store support button appears even after disabling it from vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Warning on customer my-order page (RMA Module)
  • Fix: Customer is unable to ask for support throw Store Support form (Store Support Module)
  • Fix: Product status changes even the vendor has the ability to publish product directly
  • Fix: Show default vendor profile progress message in vendor dashboard
  • Fix: Admin report logs calculation issue is fixed in admin dashboard
  • Fix: Unable to save product wise commission to 0
  • Fix: Product description and the short description is getting deleted on quick edit
  • Fix: if zone id is not found in vendor’s available zone id, assume it falls under Locations not covered by your other zones
  • Fix: When an admin sends an announcement to all the vendors, newly registered vendors sees “no notice found”
  • Tweak: Refund calculation process in the RMA module