v2.9.7 | Mar 25, 2019

Dokan Pro v2.9.7 Release Banner
  • New: Add Store Category
  • New: Make Dokan YITH WC Brand add-on compatible (Brand)
  • New: Add date and refund column in admin logs area
  • New: Change product status according to subscription status (Subscriptions)
  • Fix: Show button for non logged-in user (Follow Store)
  • Fix: Only show force SSL notice if, site is not under https
  • Fix: Any change with quick edit makes pending product to publish
  • Fix: Number_format for store rating (Store Review)
  • Fix: Store tab button classes for logged and non logged in users (Live Chat)
  • Fix: Send refund admin commission to customer (Stripe Connect)
  • Fix: Error on subscription cancellation email (Subscriptions)
  • Fix: Booking compatibility issue with the latest version of WC booking (Booking)
  • Fix: Get store terms conflict with caching
  • Fix: CSV report formatting issue in all log section (Admin Backend)
  • Fix: Filter form for empty search param (Geolocation)
  • Fix: Return rma defaults reasons and added hook after create coupon (RMA)
  • Fix: Add max trial subscription period length for PayPal (Subscriptions)
  • Fix: When a vendor subscribe to a trial subscription, make all other trial to non-trial subscription for that vendor (Subscriptions)
  • Fix: Add email class for product enquiry email (Product Enquiry)
  • Fix: Progressbar translation function is not working correctly
  • Fix: If admin creates a shipping zone with a zip code and vendor don’t create a shipping method under that zone, shipping calculation is getting wrong.
  • Fix: Update social login and vendor verification API