v3.2.1 | Mar 05, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.2.1 Release Banner
  • Feat: External product support added for vendor
  • Feat: Added rest api support for follow store
  • New: Announcements 3 New options added enabled sellers, disabled sellers, Featured sellers
  • New: Added Announcement menu for vendor dashboard
  • New: Vendor withdraw area added threshold days if that vendor have individual
  • New: Disable “Support Button” for single product page in vendor settings page when Admin disable support from admin settings.
  • Fix: Fixed some PHP 8 warnings
  • Fix: Vendor report date filter conflicts with non english / local languages set as site language
  • Fix: Apply product lot discount on order
  • Fix: Typos in edit product page and subscription page
  • Fix: Whole price is not stored as decimal when decimal separator is comma
  • Fix: Combine commission field is missing on setup wizard issue Fixed
  • Fix: Vendor analytics menu not showing for administrator users issue
  • Fix: Turn off geolocation autozoom for single product page
  • Fix: Mapbox zoom icons missing issue Fixed
  • Fix: Elementor buttons icon missing issue resolved
  • Fix: Error showing in store support ticket details if order remove somehow
  • Fix: Dokan pages duplicate issue Fixed when try to use tools from Dokan admin area
  • Fix: Parent SKU not saving on variation product issue Fixed
  • Fix: Warning showing product listing page when imported product
  • Fix: Design related problem in all logs issue report in Dokan admin area
  • Fix: Deprecated Gplus cleanup
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where booking details page showing index error warning
  • Fix: Booking SKU not saving, hidden input problem
  • Fix: Some filter was being used as action
  • Fix: Product Discount price is not updating if vendor subscription module is active
  • Fix: Admin dokandar staff module access issue Fixed