v3.2.3 | Apr 30, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.2.3 Release Banner
  • Feat: Digital and Physical product types selling option for vendors
  • New: Verification clickable link added on New staff notify email body
  • New: IP and agent info removed from product enquiry email
  • New: Store support for WooCommerce customer my account order details page
  • New: Product shipping tab added continent countries and states data
  • New: The Per Class calculation type option is selected by default for flat rate shipping
  • New: Add New filter hook on admin vendor report order status filters
  • Fix: Vendor category box hide when outside click on store listing page
  • Fix: Translation issue Fixed on store support modal
  • Fix: Vendor product quick edit product status not changing issue Fixed
  • Fix: RMA script loading issue on product edit page
  • Fix: Variation product not working with RMA issue Fixed
  • Fix: RMA: Customer is seeing the default Refund Reasons instead of the overridden refund reasons set in the edit product form
  • Fix: Vendor setting page store support for product option fully disable when disabled it from admin
  • Fix: Wrong instruction for the map zoom level in the geolocation settings Fixed now
  • update: [Stripe] Rearranged Stripe API Credentials Fields on Stripe Connect Payment Gateway Setting page
  • Fix: [Stripe] Error: Cannot charge a customer that has no active card, while checking out as guest
  • Fix: Fix the dokan-hide class placement on the store-settings.php
  • Fix: Germanized for WooCommerce and Email Verification conflict
  • Fix: user subscription pagination query
  • Fix: Generate Shortcode Button doing_it_wrong error
  • Fix: RMA individual product warranty type
  • Fix: product import updating another vendor product