v3.3.1 | Jul 12, 2021

v3.3.1 Jul 12 2021
  • Feat: [New Module] Added a new module named EU Compliance Fields
  • Feat: [Vendor Subscription] Added Vendor Subscription information section under single vendor edit page
  • Update: [Vendor Subscription] Hide Create and Add New button if only one product creation is allowed
  • Update: Added Composer 2 support
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Fixed create and add new product button redirect according to subscription package allowed product
  • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Fixed fatal error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_allowed_product_categories() on null, while import – product from csv if vendor subscription module is active and vendor doesn’t have any purchased subscription
  • Fix: [Delivery Time] Fixed theme compatibility issues
  • Fix: [Delivery Time] Fixed delivery-time, datepicker is not a function error
  • Fix: Fixed rewrite rules issues after Dokan Pro plugin is activated for Dokan Pro and all Modules
  • Fix: [Booking] Fixed Booking calendar styling issue for all-day bookings
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fixed fatal error on elementor StoreSocialProfile widget