v3.4.2 | Nov 30, 2021

Dokan Pro v3.4.2 Release Banner
  • New: [Booking] Added accommodation booking for Booking module
  • New: [Table Rate Shipping] Added distance rate shipping under table rate shipping module
  • New: [Auction] Added downloadable and virtual product support for auction module
  • New: [Store Support] Added searching and filtering for support tickets from vendor dashboard
  • New: Added manual refund button for both admin and vendors. Admin and seller can use this feature to record manual refund.
  • New: Added a New order note for payment gateways other than Dokan payment gateways.
  • New: Added API refund support for payment gateways other than Dokan payment gateways. Based on admin settings, if admin approves a refund request, this will be also processed from corresponding payment gateway.
  • New: [Delivery Time] Made delivery time fields required under checkout page, also added a settings page to make these fields required.
  • Update: Caching Enhancement and Fixes
  • Update: [Store Support] Display user display name instead of username under Get Support popup form.
  • Update: [Store Review] Display user display name instead of username under Store Review popup form.
  • Update: Added necessary tooltip for various Dokan settings.
  • Update: Replaced vendor dashboard dash icons with fontAwesome icons, this was causing conflict with some third party plugins
  • Fix: Disabled bulk action product edit/delete, inline product edit/delete if vendor is not enabled for selling
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fix a conflict with Elementor module and Vendor Analytics module. (Single store page layout was broken)
  • Fix: [Import/Export] Existing categories wasn’t importing while importing products
  • Fix: [Store Support] Fixed WPML conflict for various links (some links wasn’t working if site language is other than English)
  • Fix: Store category search option was throwing error on console
  • Fix: CSV import form is not working when multisite is enabled
  • Fix: Saving announcement as draft wasn’t working
  • Fix: Vendor coupon wasn’t working for variation products