v3.5.5 | April 13, 2022

Dokan Pro v3.5.5 Release Banner
  • Update: [VendorVerification] Added vendor proof of residence upload feature
  • Update: [StoreReview] Added email notification for new store reviews
  • Fix: Fixed Availability Range of the bookable product can not be deleted when the product is checked to be Accommodation Booking type.
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings and a fatal error while using the latest version of Elementor.
  • Fix: [Booking] Fixed Booking not visible in Day view of the calendar if site language is other than English
  • Fix: [Geolocation] The product location of the pending review products are automatically changed to same as store on publish has been Fixed.
  • Fix: [VendorSubscription] Vendor are being able to create variations even after restricting using subscription packs has been Fixed now.
  • notice: added survey notice for dokan pro
  • Fix: [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed invalid parameter value error while creating vendor subscription if price contain more that 2 digits after decimal points.