v3.6.1 | May 31, 2022

Dokan Pro v3.6.1 Release Banner
  • New: Stripe Express – Enable split payments, multi-seller payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, iDEAL and other marketplace features available in Stripe Express.
  • New: [ProductAdvertising] Added reverse withdrawal support
  • New: [PayPal Marketplace] Added reverse withdrawal payment purchase support
  • Update: [MangoPay] Some UX for MangoPay payment settings in vendor dashboard.
  • Update: Introduce a callback to withdraw methods to determine if a seller if connected to that withdraw method
  • Fix: Negative vendor earning entry while refunding a multivendor order fully.
  • Fix: marketplace coupon bound to some vendors applies to other vendors’ products
  • Fix: vendor coupon applies to sale items even if its exclude sale item flag is true
  • Fix: [MangoPay] Empty state error was being thrown for some addresses where state is not required.
  • Fix: [Stripe Connect] Payment element’s designs of other Stripe gateways were breaking.