v3.7.5 | Aug 25, 2022

Dokan Pro v3.7.5 Release Banner
  • New: [Auction] Multistep product category implementation for Auction Module
  • New: [Booking] Multistep product category implementation for Booking Module
  • Update: No message after clicking the save changes button on the vendor dashboard Ship Station settings
  • Update: Display active and inactive module count under the Dokan module page
  • Update: [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Added extended supports for Color Scheme Customizer module on frontend
  • Fix: [StripeConnect] Fixed a deprecated warning Method WC_Subscriptions::redirect_ajax_add_to_cart is deprecated since version 4.0.0
  • Fix: [VendorSubscriptionProduct] fixed a deprecated warning Function WC_Subscriptions::is_duplicate_site is deprecated since version 4.0.0!
  • Fix: [TableRateShipping] Fixed tooltip not working for table rate shipping under vendor dashboard
  • Fix: [Elementor] Single Store Page templates were not loading on latest version of Elementor
  • Fix: [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings on Dokan Elementor module