v3.7.8 | Oct 27, 2022

Dokan Pro v3.7.8 Release Banner
  • New: [DeliveryTime] Added per day multiple delivery time slot support
  • New: [VendorSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Subscription module
  • New: [ProductSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Product Subscription module
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Updated vendor delivery time UI.
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Added delivery type (Home Delivery/Store Pickup) settings for admin
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Added store pickup time section under vendor dashboard order details page, also under the wooCommerce order details page store pickup-related information is displayed.
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Now vendors’ will be able to switch Delivery Time to Store location pickup from the order details page.
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Added Full Day support for delivery time for both admin and vendors.
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers after modifying order delivery time from the vendor dashboard.
  • Update: [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers & vendors after admin Updates order delivery time from the wooCommerce admin dashboard order panel.
  • Update: First day of the delivery time widget was set according to the site settings.
  • Update: [Stripe Express] Added support for SEPA Direct Debit payment method to be used in favor of iDEAL during recurring vendor subscription
  • Update: [Stripe Express] Removed Wallet payment methods from Add payment method page as they are not needed there
  • Update: [Stripe Express] Removed Dokan preFix/postFix from customer/vendor end
  • Update: [Stripe Express] Added theme-changing option for Stripe payment element
  • Update: [MangoPay] Updated the MangoPay API library to the latest version.
  • Update: [MangoPay] Set card payin with 3ds2 as mandatory
  • Fix: [DeliveryTime] Custom date format isn’t working if the sufFix is applied eg: 1st now has been Fixed
  • Fix: [VariableProduct] Some fields and options are missing for the variations section under the vendor dashboard product edit page
  • Fix: [RequestForQuotation] When there are multiple requests for quotation rules, rules priority wasn’t considered and all the applicable rules were merged.
  • Fix: [Refund] Tax Amount Box takes 3 Decimal Places under vendor dashboard order details page
  • Fix: [Shipping] Fixed shipping cache wasn’t removed after a shipping method has been enabled or disabled from the vendor dashboard.
  • Fix: [StripeConnect] No such customer found error after changing API credentials of Stripe modules for Dokan Stripe Connect(non-3ds)
  • Fix: [RMA] Fixes when a customer sends a refund request for multiple products, the amount of products shown in the quantity dropdown does not decrease accordingly
  • Fix: [Geolocation] The geolocation map’s pop-up on the shop page and the store listing page is not working Fixes
  • Fix: [VendorAnalytics] Tracking number is not being added to the source file when the Add Tracking Code setting is enabled.
  • Fix: [TableRateShipping/WPML] table rate shipping vendor settings page wasn’t accessible if the site language wasn’t set to English.
  • Fix: [TableRateShipping] Shipping Class column hides after switching to a secondary language.
  • Fix: [Elementor] Spaces between paragraphs are too large under the store terms and condition page.
  • Fix: [Stripe Express] UI conflict of payment request button with Astra theme in the single product page
  • Fix: For all payment gateways, announcements and notices to non-connected sellers were showing for inactive withdrawal methods.