v3.8.2 | Aug 25, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.8.2 Release Banner
  • Update: [Paypal Marketplace] The PayPal Marketplace payment gateway now supports reverse withdrawal payments.
  • Fix: [Report Abuse] We resolved the issue where the login form wouldn’t disappear after a guest user logged in to report abuse. It now disappears as expected.
  • Fix: [Booking] The problem of creating extra bookable products when a vendor added resources to a product has been fixed. Previously, each time a vendor made changes, it would generate another product called “Product” on their dashboard. This issue is now resolved.
  • Fix: [Store Review] The star rating given by a user while writing a store review will now appear in the email content as intended.
  • Fix: [Vendor Staff] The warning message that appeared when creating a new staff member for a seller has been fixed.
  • Fix: [Store Review] The layout no longer breaks when a product review exceeds 50 characters in the seller’s dashboard under store reviews.
  • Fix: [Store Review] The issue of searching for customers under the customer filter not working in the Dokan admin dashboard has been fixed.
  • Fix: [Announcements] Previously, new vendors were receiving duplicate announcement emails when the Dokan Stripe Express payment option was set to send announcements to non-connected sellers. This issue is now resolved.
  • Fix: [Request For Quote] We’ve addressed the PHP warning messages that appeared when trying to update non-existent quote rule IDs.
  • Fix: [Variable Product] Bulk actions for variable products now properly affect the product variations, fixing the previous issue.
  • Fix: [HPOS] Support for HPOS has been added to manage Shipping Status and Vendor Subscription.