v2.6.6 | October 22, 2017

Dokan Pro v2.6.6 Release Banner
  • New: Added Flat commission option
  • New: Added status filter and search option on vendor listing for Admin
  • New: Added Social login feature
  • New: Vendor Store’s social share icon on tabs
  • New: Added Category wise vendor commission
  • New: Added Export CSV option on All Logs tab of Dokan Reports page
  • New: Added Shipping option in seller setup wizard
  • New: Added Up sell and Cross sell product on vendor product option
  • New: Added group type product on vendor product option
  • New: Dokan email templates integrated within WooCommerce emails with template support
  • New: Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
  • New: Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
  • New: Help tutorial on Dokan Admin pages
  • Fix: Customer migration redirect to seller wizard not working
  • Fix: Placeholder date format translation issue
  • Fix: Not sending new seller email on customer migration
  • Fix: Announcement mail showing all seller emails
  • Fix: Fix showing tax data for order details page
  • Fix: Added settings to hide customer info from vendor’s order details
  • Fix: Turned of shipping method when product shipping is disabled
  • Tweak: Toggle switch added for toggle vendor status on vendor listing
  • Tweak: Registered date in vendor listing column for Dokan Admin