Multipurpose Marketplace

Create a Multipurpose Marketplace with Dokan

A Multipurpose Marketplace is an online e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of products from various brands and sellers, allowing customers to make purchases conveniently. The Dokan plugin simplifies the creation of such versatile marketplaces, streamlining the process for seamless setup and management.

Create a Multipurpose Marketplace with Dokan 1

4 Step working process

How to Build Your Own Multipurpose
Marketplace with Dokan Multi-vendor

Follow these easy steps and create your own online marketplace with minimal time

process line

Download and
install Dokan


Configure Marketplace to your liking


Welcome Vendors to Sell


Start Earning from Commissions

store list

Let Any Type of Shops Join

Vendors selling any products or services from Fashion, Furniture,
Electronics, to Digital – can join a Dokan powered marketplace.
Let the sellers sell their goods & services online from your
marketplace, and get your fair commission as the owner.

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Customers Can Find
Desired Products Easily

With Ajax live search, customers can find shops & products
within seconds.
They can add all types of products from different sellers to
the cart. Your marketplace becomes the next Amazon, eBay,
or Flipkart.

Customers Can Find Desired Products Easily
Insights with Reports and Statement
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Insights with Reports
and Statement

Needless to say, keeping track of things is more than important
in any marketplace.
With Dokan, your Vendors can see store sales reports in detail
and also get a complete overview of their store’s performance.

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Easy Withdrawal System
for Vendors

You set the withdrawal limit, payment channel, minimum withdrawal, and all. Vendors get to request you right from the frontend dashboard for payment. It’s as simple as that.

withdraw system
Multiple Commission System
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Multiple Commission System

Charge commission globally, on a vendor, or get a special commission on a single product. A fair commission model allows both parties to share the success of your marketplace!

Dokan is the easiest way to get up and running
your online marketplace.