v3.9.4 | Nov 30, 2023

Dokan Pro v3.9.4 Release Banner
  • New: [Vendor Announcements API]: Now, you can easily manage vendor announcements through our new API. Use dokan/v1/announcement/notice/{notice_id} for getting, updating, and deleting single notice data. Explore dokan/v1/announcement to get all announcement records with support for parameters like vendor_id, search, status, read_status, from, to.
  • New: [Dokan Auction Enhancement] Great news for auction product lovers! Vendors can now duplicate auction products directly from the vendor dashboard.
  • Update: [Delivery Time] We’ve added validation checks and descriptive messages to the “delivery time” admin settings, making it easier for you to configure and understand.
  • Update: [Delivery Time] Order Notifications: You’ll now receive email updates about your order only when there are changes to the delivery time and/or date, ensuring you get the most relevant information.
  • Update: [Delivery Time] Revamped Vendor Dashboard: The delivery time settings in the vendor dashboard have a fresh new design, providing a more user-friendly and intuitive experience.
  • Update: [Delivery Time] Improved Date Selection: Non-available dates are now automatically disabled on the admin dashboard when editing orders, simplifying the process of selecting delivery dates and times.
  • Update: [Stripe Express] Deleting a Stripe account from the admin dashboard now removes both local settings and the corresponding remote Stripe user account. This ensures a synchronized and comprehensive removal process for a more efficient and consistent user experience.
  • Update: [Vendor Discount] We’ve replaced the vendor discount system with coupons, enhancing both Product Quantity Discounts and Order Discounts. The new system automatically generates and applies coupons based on cart items and order total, making your user experience smoother and resolving previous vendor discount issues.
  • Update: [Booking] A new Linked Products Section is now available under Booking Product Edit Page, simplifying the process of managing linked products.
  • Fix: [Delivery Time] Resolved an issue causing a fatal error on the checkout page when vendors hadn’t added their store address.
  • Fix: Fixed a minor typo under the Add New Vendor Modal.
  • Fix: [Single Step Product Create] Addressed issues with product data not saving for the first time when using the single step product create feature.
  • Fix:[Product Addons] Fixed translation issues under the vendor dashboard → Settings page for Product Addons.
  • Fix:[Mango Pay] Fixed the automatic connection of vendor accounts to MangoPay, ensuring a smooth transition for customers becoming vendors.
  • Fix:[Store Support] Resolved an issue where new support ticket emails were not sent to admins and corresponding vendors.
  • Fix:[Stripe Connect] Fixed an issue where Dokan Stripe Connect wasn’t displaying the webhook URL under payment gateway settings.
  • Fix:[RMA] Fixed an issue where overriding the RMA for a variable product was not working. With this release, the problem was resolved by fetching RMA data from the parent product if the cart item is a product variation.
  • Fix:[PayPal Marketplace] Fixed a pop-up issue when connecting PayPal accounts in the Firefox browser.
  • Fix:[Vendor Shipping] Fixed an issue where the Shipping Zones were missing under the vendor dashboard on newly created sites.
  • Fix: [Live Search Option] The Live Search option ‘Autoload Replace Current Content’ now correctly replaces page content when displaying the product list on the frontend.
  • Fix:[Vendor Shipping] Fixed an issue where the admin were getting fatal error while storing shipping zone data under WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping
  • Fix:[Vendor Discount] Addressed an issue with Product Quantity Discounts on Variable Products. The update ensures correct commission allocation to administrators and accurate earnings for vendors, maintaining financial integrity.
  • Fix:[Vendor Discount] Resolved discrepancies in order totals between Vendor Orders and Order Details when both Product Quantity and Order Discounts are applied. This fix ensures consistency and prevents mismatch alerts during a refund.
  • Fix:[Vendor Discount] Implemented fixes for incorrect tax calculations, ensuring accurate tax amounts are applied and displayed in accordance with the applied discounts.
  • Fix:[Vendor Discount] Updated the Order Details to correctly show discounts on subscription products, ensuring all discounts are transparently and accurately reflected.