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What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Plugin Pro v3.16.2
    • Update: Dokan now shows prices based on the decimal settings in WooCommerce.
    • Update: We’ve added an option to filter vendor questions in the Product Q&A section.
    • Update: We’ve included the charge and receivable amount in the withdrawal email templates.
    • Fix: Resolved the issue where Apple Pay and Google Pay total amounts weren’t displaying correctly in Stripe Express.
    • Fix: Addressed an issue when making payments to multiple vendors using PayPal Marketplace.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where metadata wasn’t showing up for vendor subscription renewal orders through Stripe Express.
    • Fix: We have fixed an issue where vendors couldn’t remove their ShipStation credentials from the vendor settings if the admin deleted them from the backend.
    • Dokan Auction Integration v2.2.2
    • Update: Now synchronized with Dokan Pro v3.16.2 – Simple Auction module.
    • Dokan WooCommerce Booking Integration v2.2.2
    • Update: Now synchronized with Dokan Pro v3.16.2 – Booking module.
  • Dokan Pro v3.16.1
    • Update: Vendor stores now support vendor biographies through the REST API.
    • Update: Added extra arguments to the vendor-staff API endpoints for better flexibility.
    • Fix: Fixed a coding issue in Stripe that was affecting guest customer payments.
    • Fix: Resolved PHP warning messages that appeared in the Geolocation Widget Filters.
    • Fix: Fixed several usability issues in the product rejection feature to make it smoother.
    • Fix: Now, if a product post is missing or invalid, the system will stop processing it early in the rejection feature.
    • Fix: Fixed a problem where tags were not showing properly for Booking and Auction products.
    • Fix: Added translated content for the seller badge list table info text to improve language support.
    • Fix: Solved an issue where the store location pin would move away on the store listing page map when zooming out.
    • Fix: Fixed a design issue where the store times widget was not working well with the Elementor single store template.
    • Fix: Bulk editing product data will now keep the min-max values instead of resetting them.
    • Fix: Improved email template translations for delivery time updates.
    • Fix: The booking calendar now correctly redirects users to the booking detail page.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue with payment splitting in PayPal Marketplace to ensure smoother transactions.
    • Fix: Resolved an issue where Mangopay Checkout Blocks scripts were not loading correctly for admin users.
  • Dokan Pro v3.16.0 release banner
    • New: Admins can now reject pending products if needed.
    • Update: Added translation support for vendor vacation notices and biography text.
    • Update: When information is deleted from an order, an indication is now shown in both the vendor panel and the customer’s My Account page.
    • Update: Vendor subscription commission settings now sync automatically with vendor settings when purchasing through Stripe Connect.
    • Update: Vendor store URLs now have additional support for endpoints related to reviews and biographies.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where the live chat popup would reappear even after being closed by the customer.
    • Fix: Fixed a problem with saving and updating commission settings for auction products.
    • Fix: Resolved an issue with vendor subscription product commission settings not working correctly.
    • Fix: After email verification, vendors are now correctly redirected to their Vendor Dashboard instead of the My Account page.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where product advertisements were not appearing in the cart when added from the product edit page.
    • Fix: Resolved a problem with Mapbox zooming not working properly when multiple stores or products had the same address.
    • Fix: Fixed an error in the vendor verification widget when used with Elementor.
    • Fix: Vendor shipping methods now correctly apply tax settings as intended.
    • Dokan WPML Version 1.1.8
    • Update: Added translation support for the additional endpoint in vendor store URLs.
    • Fix: Added support for translating vendor verification and biography messages.
  • Dokan Pro v3.15.0 1
    • Update: Added support for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Block for general features.
    • Update: Added support for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Block for PayPal Marketplace.
    • Update: Added support for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Block for Razorpay.
    • Update: Added support for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Block for Mangopay.
  • Dokan Pro v3.14.5
    • Fix: The issue with the vendor subscription order amount data type has been resolved.
    • Fix: Translations on the Modules, Announcement, and Refund Controller pages were not working because of incorrect text-domains, and this has been fixed.
    • Fix: Support for displaying store data on the single store page using the Elementor template has been added.