
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • v3.3.1 Jul 12 2021
    • Feat: [New Module] Added a new module named EU Compliance Fields
    • Feat: [Vendor Subscription] Added Vendor Subscription information section under single vendor edit page
    • Update: [Vendor Subscription] Hide Create and Add New button if only one product creation is allowed
    • Update: Added Composer 2 support
    • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Fixed create and add new product button redirect according to subscription package allowed product
    • Fix: [Vendor Subscription] Fixed fatal error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_allowed_product_categories() on null, while import – product from csv if vendor subscription module is active and vendor doesn’t have any purchased subscription
    • Fix: [Delivery Time] Fixed theme compatibility issues
    • Fix: [Delivery Time] Fixed delivery-time, datepicker is not a function error
    • Fix: Fixed rewrite rules issues after Dokan Pro plugin is activated for Dokan Pro and all Modules
    • Fix: [Booking] Fixed Booking calendar styling issue for all-day bookings
    • Fix: [Elementor] Fixed fatal error on elementor StoreSocialProfile widget
  • v3.3.0 Jul 01 2021
    • Feat: [module] Added a New Payment Gateway named ‘Dokan PayPal Marketplace’ under Dokan Pro Business and Enterprise Plans
    • Feat: [module] Added a New module named ‘Delivery Time: Let customers choose their delivery date & time’ for all Dokan Pro Plans
    • New: [Elementor] Added product filtering options for Single Store Page Elementor widget
    • New: [Elementor] Added SPMV support for Ssingle Store Page Elementor widget
    • New: [Elementor] Added Social widget support for Single Store Page Elementor widget
    • New: [Elementor] Added RMA module support for Singe Store Page Elementor widget
    • New: Added a New settings to enable/disable Product shipping tab and optimised query for vendor available shipping listing
    • New: Added a Register button on login popup form
    • Fix: Removed existing role from an user while user become a vendor
    • Fix: Set admin default map address as Geolocation data when a New seller is registered
    • Fix: Shipping tax status from vendor shipping methods have no effect
    • Fix: Left/Right Map position redirect to the another page issue Fixed
    • Fix: Subscription pack list broken when use difference languages
    • Fix: Unusual number of emails to the vendor staffs on a New order
    • Fix: Disabled shipping zone on single product tab if methods not found
    • Fix: Become a vendor button not showing when user role is other than customer
    • Fix: Wrong direction for shipping status email templates issue Fixed
    • Fix: Disabled shop query when geo map turn off from dokan admin settings
    • Fix: [SPMV] Sell this item not showing when vendors subscription module is enabled, but the subscription is disabled
    • Fix: [Booking] Cancellation time gets changed from Weeks to Months after saving a Cancellable Booking Product
    • Fix: Return Request – Conversations issue for special characters
    • Fix: Store dropdown vendor name placeholder changed to Store Name in admin reports page
    • Fix: Login Popup css Fixed for guest user
    • Fix: Email template override directory location correction
    • Fix: RMA policy content format now saves correctly
  • Dokan Pro v3.2.4 Release Banner
    • Feat: Shipping Status for vendors
    • New: Attach source to customer object first so that payment get processed successfully and then remove source if necessary: stripe non3ds
    • New: Live search with suggestion set by default
    • Fix: Android product live search issues Fixed
    • Fix: Vendor variation product import error Fixed
    • Fix: Store category not saving from setup widget
    • Fix: Updating product details using Quick Edit resets the Shipping Class
    • Fix: Does not reflect today’s report in sales by day or overview
    • Fix: Product doesn’t go offline while activating vacation mode
    • Fix: Product status changes to online if product updated from quick edit in vacation mode.
    • Fix: All log table filter in translation for admin reports
    • Fix: Vendor can create tag in product import support
    • Fix: Vendor store page title replace with store SEO title
    • Fix: Store follow email triggering though email is disabled in WC email
    • Fix: Update store progress bar when stripe connected
    • Fix: Refund amount and tax over refund check
    • Fix: ‘Cannot charge a customer that has no active card’ error if trying to process payment from guest user with non-connected vendors
    • Fix: Set Newly added card as default payment source while updating a vendor subscription
    • Fix: Don’t save card if save card checkbox is not selected – Stripe 3DS
  • Dokan Pro v3.2.3 Release Banner
    • Feat: Digital and Physical product types selling option for vendors
    • New: Verification clickable link added on New staff notify email body
    • New: IP and agent info removed from product enquiry email
    • New: Store support for WooCommerce customer my account order details page
    • New: Product shipping tab added continent countries and states data
    • New: The Per Class calculation type option is selected by default for flat rate shipping
    • New: Add New filter hook on admin vendor report order status filters
    • Fix: Vendor category box hide when outside click on store listing page
    • Fix: Translation issue Fixed on store support modal
    • Fix: Vendor product quick edit product status not changing issue Fixed
    • Fix: RMA script loading issue on product edit page
    • Fix: Variation product not working with RMA issue Fixed
    • Fix: RMA: Customer is seeing the default Refund Reasons instead of the overridden refund reasons set in the edit product form
    • Fix: Vendor setting page store support for product option fully disable when disabled it from admin
    • Fix: Wrong instruction for the map zoom level in the geolocation settings Fixed now
    • update: [Stripe] Rearranged Stripe API Credentials Fields on Stripe Connect Payment Gateway Setting page
    • Fix: [Stripe] Error: Cannot charge a customer that has no active card, while checking out as guest
    • Fix: Fix the dokan-hide class placement on the store-settings.php
    • Fix: Germanized for WooCommerce and Email Verification conflict
    • Fix: user subscription pagination query
    • Fix: Generate Shortcode Button doing_it_wrong error
    • Fix: RMA individual product warranty type
    • Fix: product import updating another vendor product
  • Dokan Pro v3.2.2 Release Banner
    • New: [Stripe] Added 3DS auth flow for changing payment method from My Account -> Payment Methods page
    • New: [Stripe] Added Change payment method for subscriptions from My Account -> Subscriptions for Stripe 3ds mode
    • New: [Stripe] Added failed order processing feature for both Stripe 3ds and non3ds payment method
    • New: [Stripe] added metadata for stripe transactions for 3ds mode, this will help track transfers made on vendors account and the vendors will also be able to track orders made on their account.
    • New: [Stripe] Added support for reNewing subscription via modal for stripe 3ds mode
    • New: [Stripe] Implemented automatic refund for stripe 3ds mode (refund will be processed from admin stripe account, then the transferred amount from vendor account will be automatically reversed to admin account)
    • New: [Stripe] added announcement notice if vendors stripe account is not connected with stripe (both 3ds and non-3ds). In 3ds mode, if vendor stripe currency is not similar to site currency they will also receive announcement notice. Added two New admin settings to control this behavior.
    • New: New action hook added – dokan_auction_before_general_options
    • Update: Product image support added for New order email vendor staff
    • Update: Dokan shipping multiple issues Fixed and some enhancements
    • Update: show store name instead of selected vendors if announcement sent to a single vendor in announcement listing page.
    • Enhancement: Dokan tools page “Install Pages Button” disabled after successful Installation of page
    • Enhancement: Stock unwanted management options removed
    • Fix: [Stripe] Fixes non3ds refund-related issues (refund doesn’t work if a vendor is not connected with stripe.)
    • Fix: [Wirecard] Floating point error on Wirecard integration
    • Fix: [Store SEO] dokan_sellers-sitemap.xml file returns uncaught error
    • Fix: Product review list, empty bulk action error
    • Fix: variable subscription and variable product conflict
    • Fix: Sale Price: Sale price is not working with the variable product.
    • Fix: Products: Date Picker is unavailable for product variations
    • Fix: Store Email: The Store Email sends an email from the WordPress email instead of the site admin email
    • Fix: Booking: Booking shows order number when the booking status is In Cart
    • Fix: Booking resource label does not display after save
    • Fix: store review data display and pagination
    • Fix: loco translate strings can not be translated
    • Fix: Featured stores Elementor widget is broken issue Fixed #1146
    • Fix: Reply to custom email added on product inquiry email #1181
    • Fix: Store support form conflicting with Elementor in the single store page
    • Fix: Fatal error on RMA details page when product somehow got deleted issue Fixed
    • Fix: Pagination not working on vendor return request page issue Fixed #1152
    • Fix: Store link added on RMA request page
    • Fix: Vendor search filter form widget not working for vendor search issue Fixed
    • Fix: Auto-zoom set minimum zoom label check with admin option
    • Fix: The external product type fields show permanently
    • Fix: Report Export and filter date range in different language does not work
    • Fix: Germanized plugin support for email verification footer placement