What’s New
New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan
- New: Add Dokan Shortcode gutenberg block.
- New: Add single seller mode option.
- New: Show warranty policy tab in single product page. (RMA)
- Fix: Select all product while creating coupon doesn’t work when there are thousands of products.
- Fix: After changing the date format from the wordpress settings, the exported csv reports is blank.
- Fix: Add shipping, tax and discount data in staff order email. (Vendor Staff)
- Fix: When store-listing page is set to home page, geolocaion search redirect to wrong page. (Geolocation)
- Fix: When a product is get deleted by admin, an error notice is shown on RMA request. (RMA)
- Fix: Remove bitcoin settings options, as it’s no longer supported by stripe. (Stripe Connect)
- Fix: If stripe connect payment gateway is disabled, don’t execute it’s code. (Stripe Connect)
- Fix: Vendor verifiation with social media account is not working correctly. (Vendor Verification)
- Fix: Same day bookings overlap in calendar view in vendor dashboard. (Bookings)
- Fix: Hide ended and won auction products in vendor store page if admin wants to. (Auctions)
- Fix: An warning is thrown on single product multivendor tab. (SPMV)
- Fix: Send auction finished email to admin and vendor. (SPMV)
- Fix: When a vendor wants to sell orther vendor’s bookable product it redirects to wrong page. (SPMV)
- Fix: Variable product Import issue when ‘pending review after edit’ is enabled. (SPMV)
- Fix: Remove coupon category option for vendor as it’s confusing to them. (SPMV)
- Fix: Existing category commission edit does not take float number.
- Fix: Make both (flat and percentage) field required for combine commission.
- Fix: Typo in rma, email verification and product enquiry template.
- Fix: Report abuse popup is not working on single product page. (Report Abuse)
- Fix: When a paginated link is visited on dokan backend all logs, other filtering query gets deleted.
- Fix: Vendor can change product review status from vendor dashboard doesn’t work as expected. (Store Review)
- Fix: Warranty add-on price is not being applied on variable products. (RMA)
- Improvement [Dokan_Shipping_Zone] get_zone_id_by_postcode() method so that it returns correct shipping zone.
- New: Add combine commission (Percentage + Fixed).
- Fix: Add support for vendor biography in Elementor builder (Elementor).
- Fix: Admin is only able to add 10 categories for a store in admin backend.
- Fix: Vendor verification widget doesn’t show up in the store page.
- Fix: There was a typo in store banner height.
- Fix: Stripe 3DS was only accepting US currency and ignoring others.
- Fix: Exclude auction product from the vendor store page if auction product is ended.
- Fix: Vacation mode is not making the product offline (Seller Vacation).
- Fix: Assigning a new product to a vendor from admin backend doesn’t show up in the shop page.
- Fix: Plugin updater menu doesn’t shop up even in the live server.
- Fix: Vendor shipping method is not working for long zip code like (111123-2039) for brazil.
- Fix: Remove vendor earning from all logs if it’s subscription product. (Subscription)
- Fix: Vendor email address is not showing up in stripe dashboard for subscription. (Stripe Connect).
- Fix: Subscription renew issue with stripe (Stripe Connect).
- Fix: Geolocation default latitude longitude doesn’t change (Geolocation).
- Fix: Apply coupon on stripe subscription if there is any (Stripe Connect).
- Fix: Store support doesn’t show full conversation (Store Support).
- New: Add scheduled announcement option for admin.
- New: Add identity verification and unread message count in live chat (Live Chat Module).
- New: Add admin defined location on Geolocation map to be shown instead of default Dhaka, Bangladesh when there is no vendor or product found (Geolocation Module).
- Fix: Guest user is unable to checkout with stripe (Stripe Module).
- Fix: Add ca-certificate file to allow certificate verification of stripe SSL (Stripe Module).
- Fix: If variable product is created by admin for a vendor, vendor shipping method doesn’t work.
- Fix: Product lot discount is getting applied on sub-orders even though discount is disabled.
- Fix: Wholesale price minimum quantity calculation is not correct (Wholesale Module).
- Fix: Social login facility is missing in the registration form which is created via vendor-registration shortcode.
- Fix: Show error notice when admin tries to process refund from the parent order.
- Fix: Allow geolocation template to be override from the child theme (Geolocation Module).
- Fix: Use the New: : WC_Tax class to fetch tax classes when its available.
- Fix: Set default bank payment object if it’s not found from the API response.
- New: Add stripe 3D secure and strong customer authentication (Stripe Connect Module)
- New: Add subscription pack upgrade downgrade option for vendors (Subscription Module)
- New: Add wholesale options in the admin backend (Wholesale Module)
- New: Add support for vendor verification widget (Elementor Module)
- Fix: WordPress backend date format while printing date in coupon and announcement
- Fix: Attach product discount in order details
- Fix: Coupon discount type changes on coupon edit
- Fix: If subscription on registration enabled ignore email verification (Subscription Module)
- Fix: Refund calculation is wrong when it’s done from the admin backend
- Fix: Product variations are not creating from imported CSV
- Tweak: Always return response headers even if no wholesale customers found (Wholesale Module)
- Tweak: Return more detailed error message for Wirecard and Stripe
- Tweak: Dokan admin settings rearrange and refactor