
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.7.3 Release Banner
    • New: Vendor Staff Module is added
    • New: Email Verification on registration is added
    • Fix: Regular shipping shown while disabled from settings
    • Fix: Non-numeric warning shown on Statement report
    • Fix: Product edit template duplicates for pending products
    • Fix: Subscription: Become a vendor form not showing subscription form
    • Fix: Subscription: Commission rate for subscription can’t be set as blank
    • Fix: Appearance: Color scheme not working on product edit page
    • Fix: Booking: Person type unlink or remove not working
    • Fix: Booking: Order links inside Booking details not working
    • Tweak: Dropping support for Tab view product edit page
    • Tweak: Import Export: button position for products view changed
    • Tweak: Import Export: CSV import export buttons added under Tools
  • Dokan Pro v2.7.1 Release Banner
    • New:Added an option for hiding and showing withdraw menus in vendor dashboard
    • New:New module integration called Single product Multiple Vendor
    • New:Added helper link in social API integration
    • New:New product email template is added for auction product – Auction module
    • New:Vendor verification widget is now showing in single product page – Vendor Verification module
    • Fix: Import export warning fixed – Import Export module
    • Fix: Calculation wrong in Subscription packages – Subcsription module
    • Fix: Fixed depricated checkout url – Subcsription module
    • Fix: Fixed core udpater class
    • Fix: Showing wrong WC Booking link fixed – Booking module
    • Fix: Update textdomain in appearance – Appearance module
    • Fix: Attribute saving problem if integer or commas value set as a attribute values
    • Fix: Social connect redirection issue fixed – Vendor Verification module
    • Fix: Fixed vendor verification widget is not showing – Vendor Verification module
    • Tweak:Hooks added for new ticket and reply – Store Support
    • Tweak:Update shipping package label hook parameters
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.6 Release Banner
    • New: Added Flat commission option
    • New: Added status filter and search option on vendor listing for Admin
    • New: Added Social login feature
    • New: Vendor Store’s social share icon on tabs
    • New: Added Category wise vendor commission
    • New: Added Export CSV option on All Logs tab of Dokan Reports page
    • New: Added Shipping option in seller setup wizard
    • New: Added Up sell and Cross sell product on vendor product option
    • New: Added group type product on vendor product option
    • New: Dokan email templates integrated within WooCommerce emails with template support
    • New: Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
    • New: Added various help texts on Dokan admin pages
    • New: Help tutorial on Dokan Admin pages
    • Fix: Customer migration redirect to seller wizard not working
    • Fix: Placeholder date format translation issue
    • Fix: Not sending new seller email on customer migration
    • Fix: Announcement mail showing all seller emails
    • Fix: Fix showing tax data for order details page
    • Fix: Added settings to hide customer info from vendor’s order details
    • Fix: Turned of shipping method when product shipping is disabled
    • Tweak: Toggle switch added for toggle vendor status on vendor listing
    • Tweak: Registered date in vendor listing column for Dokan Admin
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.5 Release Banner
    • New: Added email template for announcement
    • New: Send email to admin when a product is edited and pending
    • Fix: Widgets not showing in admin menu
    • Fix: Vendor dashboard graph RTL issue fixed
    • Tweak:Added missing on shipping tab title
    • Tweak:Enhanced RTL support
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.4 Release Banner
    • New: Added dokan-customer-migration shortcode
    • New: Added option in admin settings to allow product review status management for vendors
    • Fix: Vendor Store page review pagination not working
    • Fix: Vendor earning report date wise calculation problem
    • Fix: Expired vendor coupons are showing in vendor store
    • Tweak: Enhanced RTL support
    • Tweak: Various other core improvements