
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.5.2 Release Banner
    • New: Added filter ‘dokan_new_product_popup_args’ to enable custom validation on new product add
    • New: Enabled vendors to select all products while creating coupon
    • Tweak: Add new product pop up enhanced for better responsiveness
    • Tweak: Several other optimizations to codebase for better and stable performance
    • Tweak: Seller setup wizard enhanced for responsiveness
    • Tweak: Seller dashboard widgets enhanced for better responsiveness
    • Fix: On plugin activation auto flush rewrite rules
    • Fix: Seller Setup wizard not translating properly in some cases
    • Fix: Shipping tracking modal not showing while bootstrap loaded is fixed
    • Fix: Vendor statement enhanced for calculating per product commission
  • Dokan Pro v2.5.1 Release Banner
    • New: Front-End product template new UI
    • Tweak: All SELLER text is changed to VENDOR
    • Tweak: Updated Seller Earning Statement Report View
    • Tweak: Fixed variable product data saving issues
    • Tweak: Changed Order Tracking options from Select to Text box for sellers
    • Tweak: Improved Responsiveness on seller dashboard pages
    • Tweak: Product commission option is moved to advance tab from general
    • Fix: Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
    • Fix: Improved Seller Setup wizard for better UX
    • Fix: Fixed showing error If Google MAP API is not given
    • Fix: Fixed Extra fee receiver not working issue
  • Dokan Pro v2.5 Release Banner
    • New: Setup Wizard on Admin panel
    • New: Setup Wizard for seller settings after new seller registration
    • New: Multiple header templates for store template
    • New: Added DOKAN shortcode insert button on post/page editor
    • New: Added store search option on store listing page
    • New: Added detailed income and withdraw statement for sellers
    • New: Added option to choose tax and shipping receiver as admin or seller.
    • New: Show seller payment options on user profile in back-end.
    • Tweak: Dokan store listing shortcode has more options
    • Tweak: Flat rate shipping synced with zone ID
    • Tweak: Fixed Tab view variation products
    • Tweak: Added active states in product review status filter
    • Fix: Fixed front-end variation issue for other languages
    • Fix: Fixed product add while selling is disabled for sellers
  • Dokan Pro v2.4.12 Release Banner
    • New: Product base admin commission
    • New: Sellers coupon show on store
    • Tweak: Added Settings for gMap API key
    • Fix: Product with same SKU
    • Fix: Product permalink, defaults to ‘product’
    • Fix: Image upload attribute undefined issue
    • Fix: Multiple seller order mail
    • Fix: Product SKU search
    • Fix: Store search by store name
  • Dokan Pro v2.4.11 Release Banner
    • New: Refund request from seller to admin by sellers order details page
    • New: Tracker added
    • Fix: Checkout issue if flat rate shipping set as null
    • Fix: Change seller display name to store name
    • Fix: Multiple submit request on product add/edit
    • Fix: Undefine error on cart page for shipping additional price
    • Fix: Product edit page permission
    • Fix: Remove duplicate insert on dokan order table