

What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.4.3 Release Banner
    • New: Welcome page on activation with resync button added
    • Tweak: Visual Progress bar added for resync Order progress
    • Fix: Sub-order duplicate issue fixed
    • Fix: Fix wp editor compatible to 4.3
    • Fix: Compatible with WordPress 4.3 widget __construct functions
    • Fix: Fix table name in sync table sql
    • Fix: Fix store review rewrite problem, Move store functionality in Dokan_Pro_Store class
    • Fix: Fix seller migration template loader
    • Fix: Fix same seller multiple product type shipping issue
    • Fix: Fix flat rate shipping issue for multi seller
  • Dokan Pro v2.4.2 Release Banner
    • Tweak: New hook on store header: dokan_store_before_social
    • Tweak: Re-arrange dokan admin settings fields
    • Tweak: Add field on seller store settings to manage store product per page
    • Tweak: Sellers redirected to dashboard after login
    • Fix: Feature seller widget display template path
    • Fix: Best seller widget display seller name changed to store name
    • Fix: Fix problem with showing variation data on order details
    • Fix: Update “dokan_create_seller_order” function to save variation order meta on sub-order
    • Fix: Update “dokan_post_input_box” function to add option for making text field and number field required
    • Fix: Fix balance separator problem on withdraw
    • Fix: Fix total sales balance display on seller dashboard page
    • Fix: Keep value saved of override shipping fields meta even when the option unchecked
    • Fix: English language phrases correction on several place
    • Fix: Fix calculation of sub-orders in WooCommerce dashboard status widget sales query
  • Dokan Pro v2.4.1 Release Banner
    • Fix: plugin updater fix: wrong plugin file path
    • Fix: Store banner min-height issue
    • Fix: added validation on settings/store phone field
  • Dokan Pro v2.4 Release Banner
    • New: Code re-write, re-organized
    • New: Customer support System for sellers
    • Tweak: After login redirect users to the page they were instead of my account
    • Tweak: Dokan order sync table from backend tools done by ajax step by step
    • Fix: New Product status change as admin settings rather than “draft”
    • Fix: Pageination fix on admin earning log
    • Fix: Translation fix on template-js
    • Fix: Fix undefine state error from store and store listing
  • Dokan Pro v2.3 Release Banner
    • New: Add new flat view style for product add and edit on seller dashboard
    • New: Add store SEO manage system for sellers store page
    • New: Add shipping calculator on single product page shipping tab
    • New: Add new tab on seller store page to show terms and conditions
    • Tweak: Store address field change to multiple-fields on seller dashboard store settings
    • Tweak: New Products on “draft” status by default
    • Tweak: Address field can be not required
    • Fix: Fix styling issue in seller dashboard shipping settings options
    • Fix: Fix some text domain for translation issues on several pages
    • Fix: Fix empty title and empty category error on seller dashboard product edit page
    • Fix: Plugin updater: return false early when response error
    • Fix: Fix placeholder translation support for phone number and store name on seller dashboard store settings