

What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.2.2 Release Banner
    • Fix: Fix shipping calculation for ‘everywhere else country’ in checkout
    • Fix: Fix undefine error on single product shipping tab if select everywhere else country
    • Fix: Make override shipping value empty once set and then remove it
    • Fix: Show shipping tab on product edit for both simple and variable type product
    • Fix: Change same hooks on different settings forms
    • Fix: Fix dokan store tab margin
    • Fix: Fix store review template class/id
  • Dokan Pro v2.2.1 Release Banner
    • Fix: Fix weight and dimensions string translation error on product edit shipping tab
    • Fix: Fix store listing shortcode rendering error
    • Fix: Remove (#) sign from url when dokan gravatar and banner image upload
    • Fix: Fix require once file name which rename ‘theme-fucntion.php’ to ‘functions.php’
    • Fix: Fix product listing sku search condition bug
  • Dokan Pro v2.1 Release Banner
    • New: Seller announcement feature
    • New: Seller Profile completeness
    • New: Product listing filter and search field in seller dashboard product page
    • New: Add admin view withdraw table row action
    • New: Added shipping processing time for individual product
    • New: Seller total earning view on seller dashboard
    • Tweak: Shipping tab disable for downloadable product
    • Tweak: Enable store contact seller and map show option of backend
    • Tweak: Variable product image size
    • Tweak: Product variation sku tooltip display
    • Tweak: Shipping tab extra info added
    • Tweak: Order refund by seller removed
    • Tweak: Download limit text and input type changed to number
    • Tweak: Admin all log order status display
    • Tweak: Restricted shipping charge for downloadable product or virtual product
    • Tweak: Show hide override shipping option according to disable shipping in single product
    • Fix: Shipping info display error
    • Fix: Shipping disable logical issue
    • Fix: Variation remove item problem
    • Fix: Variation stock management
    • Fix: Wp editor content render with auto p
    • Fix: Inventory stock management
  • Dokan Pro v2.2 Release Banner
    • New: Settings pages divided into submenu
    • New: Dokan product listing search by sku and product id added
    • New: Tabs added on store page
    • Tweak: Added “Elsewhere” for countries as well in shipping
    • Fix: Fix translation issues on product and order status text
    • Fix: Fix user migration shop url error
    • Fix: Category problem fixed for updated WordPress 4.2
    • Fix: Fix issue on plugin update checker. Was breaking getting plugin update info
    • Fix: Don’t allow users to create coupons with same code
  • Dokan Pro v2.0.1 Release Banner
    • New: Earning by seller report in Dokan admin earning reports page
    • Fix: Minor bug in shipping gateway
    • Fix: Manage stock and product review status wasn’t updating
    • Fix: Sell individually checkbox wasn’t updating