

What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.0 Release Banner
    • New: Add Custom Store wide and Per-Product Shipping option for individual sellers
    • New: Add TAX option for individual sellers on seller dashboard
    • New: Add Shipping TAX option
    • New: Variation stock management feature on font end
    • New: TAX and shipping management for variation product
    • New: Added settings for new product add email notification to admin
    • New: Added flickr, Instagram in seller store social profile field
    • New: Added tag feature in Seller dashboard product add or edit
    • New: Added Multiple category selection in seller product add or edit
    • New: Set cookie for page view
    • Fix: Line break in seller name with product in chart page
    • Fix: Add seller review URL filter(‘dokan_get_seller_review_url’)
    • Fix: Fix some styling issue for button, position
    • Fix: Fixes the broken Store page sidebar for any WooCommerce compatible theme.
    • Fix: Admin seller listing pagination fixed
    • Fix: Use wp_title filter from Dokan theme and correct store title
    • Fix: Product edit tab background white color removed
    • Fix: Media popup close icon styling fixed
    • Fix: Regenerate map file
    • Fix: Update code structure by id prefixed with Dokan and stuff
    • Fix: Transliteration fixes
    • Fix: Fix withdraw threshold query
    • Fix: Coupon delete problem fixed
    • Fix: Fix settings page undefined error
    • Fix: Change hook name “dokn_aditional_relation_filed” to “dokan_reg_form_field”
    • Fix: Language file updated
  • Dokan Pro v1.4 Release Banner
    • New: Added admin option to change store URL
    • New: Added withdraw threshold feature
    • New: Order report Export and listing
    • New: Added admin option to enable-disable store sidebar from theme
    • New: Coupon fee shipping removed
    • Fix: Pagination compatible with WordPress v4.1
    • Fix: Language translation fixed
    • Fix: Seller name changed to store name at featured seller widget
    • Fix: Fixed product stock quantity save error
    • Fix: Fixed product variation stock error
    • Fix: Settings page error fix
  • Dokan Pro v1.3 Release Banner
    • New: Featured seller widget
    • New: Few hooks in mail
    • Fix: Sanitize settings fields
    • Fix: Calculate admin commission without shipping
    • Fix: Customer to seller migration bug fix
  • Dokan Pro v1.2 Release Banner
    • Fix: Security fixes. props to @yann
    • Fix: dokan_templart_part function wasn’t picking up template from theme
    • Fix: Add missing action hooks from the theme migration
    • Fix: Pagination in dashboard
    • Fix: Product edit page responsive issue
  • Dokan Pro v1.1 Release Banner
    • New: New action hook and filters
    • New: My orders page brought back
    • New: Pre-defined attributes brought back in the plugin.
    • Fix: Sold individual bug fix
    • Fix: Withdraw cancel functionality was broken in plugin
    • Fix: Product delete functionality was broken
    • Fix: Fontawesome fonts added on dashboard. Removed icomoon
    • Fix: Some Bootstrap CSS classes fix
    • Fix: Duplicate order emails fixed
    • Fix: Discounted price wasn’t updating properly