Furniture Marketplace
Create Furniture Marketplace with Dokan
An online Furniture Marketplace is an e-commerce platform where people get to purchase furniture online from different brands and sellers. Dokan is a plugin that allows you to create such marketplaces without any hassle.

4 Step working process
How to Build Your Own Furniture
Marketplace with Dokan Multi-vendor
Follow these easy steps and create your own online marketplace with minimal time

Download and
install Dokan

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Start Earning from Commissions

Verify Furniture Vendors
before Joining Your
Check the authenticity of vendors via their social profiles, phone,
photo, and more. Keep your marketplace reliable and authentic with genuine sellers and avoid fraudulent activities.

Shipping Management
for Each Store
With a zone-wise shipping system, let your vendors maintain hassle-free delivery of products to customers. Enable ShipStation to utilize worldwide popular shipping solutions in the system.

Secure Payment Systems
Customers can use Stripe, PayPal, Moip, or Bank accounts to seamlessly make payments online. If any other payment system is popular in your country, we can connect that too (in advanced customization).

Easy Warranty & Refund
Refund, Warranty management can also be handled pretty quickly with Dokan. You can allow vendors to offer customized return and warranty facilities of their sold products to their buyers.

Coupon Management
No need for you to spend time worrying about coupons. Let your
vendors handle their discounts on their own, right from the frontend dashboard.