

What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v3.9.9 Release Banner
    • Update: [Vendor Staff] We’ve added support for Vendor Staff to create Auction and Booking products in a single step.
    • Fix: [Auction] Auction products now appear correctly on the vendor dashboard’s auction listing page when the HPOS feature is enabled.
    • Fix: Previously, when a product was on sale, its original price wasn’t visibly crossed out, causing confusion for shoppers. Now, both the original and sale prices are clearly displayed, making it easier for customers to understand the discount and make informed purchasing decisions.
    • Fix: Resolved a fatal error when updating an order from the admin panel with the HPOS feature enabled.
    • Fix: [Vendor Discount] Resolved a PHP warning on the cart page when a customer clicks on an order again for a completed order from the My Account page.
    • Fix: [Live Search] Previously, certain payment options like reverse withdrawal and product advertisement were mistakenly appearing in the live search results, causing confusion. Now, these irrelevant payment products are no longer displayed in the search results, ensuring a more accurate and user-friendly browsing experience for customers.
    • Fix: [Store Support] Resolved an issue with email triggering when the site’s default admin email address differs from the registered admin email.
    • Fix: Addressed a console error after updating a store category from the Dokan single vendor edit page.
    • Fix: Corrected misleading email subject and title for Product Replacement Request Notifications to Vendors.
    • Fix: Ensured product attribute names are translatable with WPML.
    • Fix: Ensured the delivery time, date time picker is translatable.
    • Fix: Addressed an issue where the Connect with Stripe button was not translatable in Stripe Express.
    • Fix: Resolved a translation issue where the mobile number field placeholder was not translatable.
    • Fix: Previously, on the vendor dashboard’s Return Requests page, the word “on” in table row titles couldn’t be translated, leading to inconsistency. This issue is now resolved, allowing for full translation of all table row titles, improving clarity and consistency for vendors managing return requests.
    • Fix: Resolved a translation issue where the vendor and customer support ticket status and number hash were not translatable.
    • Dokan – WPML Integration Version 1.0.10
    • Fix: Addressed translation-related issues with specific menu items in the Vendor Dashboard when using WPML.
    • Fix: Resolved WooCommerce error notices occurring when the Dokan WPML Integration plugin is active.
    • Fix: Rectified PHP warnings related to the creation of dynamic properties.
  • Dokan Pro v3.9.8 Release Banner
    • Fix: We’ve fixed an issue with the Appsero plugin update checker. You can now enjoy a smoother experience with this problem addressed in our latest update.
  • Dokan Pro v3.9.7 Release Banner
    • Fix: [Stripe Express] In this update, we’ve enhanced the performance of the Stripe Express module. Previously, users experienced delays when loading the Add to Cart button and proceeding to the checkout page. With this release, we’ve successfully addressed and resolved the loading time issue, ensuring a smoother and quicker experience for you.
  • Dokan Pro v3.9.6 Release Banner
    • Fix: An issue was fixed where the Dokan Subscription product switched to Simple Product after saving from the WordPress Admin Panel –> Products –> Edit Product page.
    • Fix: We resolved a fatal error when attempting to renew a subscription within the WordPress Admin Panel. Specifically, this issue occurred while navigating to WooCommerce > Subscription > Edit a single subscription that included a line item coupon.
  • Dokan Pro v3.9.5 Release Banner
    • Chore: Removed the PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway module from Dokan Pro.
    • Update: Replaced the ambiguous text “RMA Requests” with “Returns & Refunds” in the My Account menu list.
    • Update: Vendors will now see a new notification showing the count of new Refund and Return requests beside the Return Request menu.
    • Update: Introducing a new email named “Dokan Send Refund Request Conversation Notification to Vendor and Customer.” This email will be triggered when a vendor or customer replies to any RMA Request Conversation, notifying the other party.
    • Fix: Now, vendors can request a refund even if they set the line item quantity to 0 manually. Previously, this led to an unwanted validation error, but now the request will proceed as intended.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where the product reviews widget in the vendor dashboard remained visible even after disabling it from WooCommerce’s settings.
    • Fix: Resolved missing assets on the RFQ page when using WPML.
    • Fix: Fixed a fatal error caused by a type casting error under the vendor coupon Order Discount section.
    • Dokan – WPML Integration version 1.0.9
    • New: Added a new filter called dokan_get_translated_page_id for added support. This filter allows us to obtain the translated Page ID from any Page ID.
    • Update: Updated Dokan for compatibility with WordPress Version 6.4.2.
    • Update: Updated Dokan for compatibility with WooCommerce Version 8.2.2.