
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v2.6.3 Release Banner
    • New: Added action to duplicate product from product list view
    • New: Added option to set product as pending review when vendors re-edit or update a product
    • Fix: Announcement visibility logic updated for widget and announce template
    • Fix: Coupon add category selection limit fixed
    • Fix: All products can not be set when selecting all products on the coupon view fixed
    • Tweak: Coupon showing styles improved
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.2 Release Banner
    • New: Dynamic state select option for Vendor Setup Wizard
    • Tweak: Added currency argument for wc_price
    • Tweak: Various helper text labels updated
    • Fix: Change Product Seller from admin not working properly for variation products
    • Fix: Store listing search not showing same result if submitted
    • Fix: Store listing search sending multiple requests on AJAX
    • Fix: Feature products, Best selling products and Top rated seller queries Fix:ed
    • Fix: Fix:ed Order status label issue in seller order listing
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.1 Release Banner
    • New: Added variation description field in tab view product page
    • Fix: Vendor coupon type not showing properly
    • Fix: Saving variation product and variation title view
    • Fix: Tab view product gallery image not saving
    • Fix: Tab view shipping functionality
    • Fix: Tab view schedule render
    • Fix: Refund rendering issue when order is not found
    • Fix: Downloadable variable product not saving
  • Dokan Pro v2.6.0 Release Banner
    • New: Made dokan-pro compatible with WC 3.0
    • Fix: updated Yoast SEO sitemap generation
    • Fix: Tab view seller shiiping toggle not working
    • Fix: Seller order refund showing notices fixed
    • Fix: Seller add new coupon showing notices fixed
    • Fix: Saving coupon data with WC 3.0
  • Dokan Pro v2.5.3 Release Banner
    • New: Separated Free version from the PRO plugin
    • Tweak: Updated Flot JS version and fixed JS issues
    • Fix: Announcement functionality fixed
    • Fix: Bulk discount for seller front-end fixed
    • Fix: Styling fixed for coupons on Vendor Store Page
    • Fix: Shipping Enable/Disable not updating issue fixed
    • Fix: Review styling for 3rd party theme conflict fixed
    • Fix: Product shipping toggling issue fixed