
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan-Pro-v3.10.2-Release-Banner
    • Update: [RFQ] We’ve updated the description message for “Decrease Offered Price” to default to zero, ensuring clearer communication.
    • Update: A requires plugin header has been added for Dokan Pro to facilitate the initiation of required plugin checks.
    • Fix: [RFQ] We’ve fixed a fatal error that occurred when “Decrease Offered Price” was set to an empty string in Dokan Settings under Quote Settings.
    • Fix: Placeholder content translation issues for auction product form fields have been resolved.
    • Fix: A warning generated by the Product Advertisement Elementor widget has been fixed, ensuring smoother operation.
    • Fix: We’ve resolved an issue with color synchronization in vendor dashboard actions for improved consistency.
    • Fix: Issues with refunds using Stripe Express have been resolved.
    • Fix: The manually refund button is now properly displayed on the Order Single page in the Vendor Dashboard.
    • Fix: The broken UI for announcement creation and draft editing has been fixed.
    • Fix: Debug logs are no longer displayed on MangoPay Settings Save for improved user experience.
    • Fix: Stripe processing fees for vendor subscription purchases are now correctly displayed.
    • Fix: A fatal error occurring during product purchases using coupons has been fixed for affected users.
    • Fix: Content AI now displays a popup only if the site is connected to RankMath, resolving an unnecessary popup display issue.
    • Fix: Content length now fetches correctly from the product description in the Product Edit page when using Rank Math.
    • Fix: Modules now load properly even when downgrading from a higher package to a lower package.
    • Fix: A fatal error occurring when changing a vendor email address has been resolved.
    • Fix: Type casting has been added while calling the dokan_get_coupon_metadata_from_order() method to prevent a fatal error.
    • Dokan WPML Version 1.1.1
    • Update: We’ve added translation support for the Vendor Dashboard Settings submenu, making it easier for users to navigate and understand.
    • Update: Translation support has been added for allowed categories in vendor subscriptions, ensuring a seamless experience for users across different languages.
  • Dokan Pro v3.10.1 Release Banner
    • Update: Editing store categories in the Dokan plugin used to be confusing, but now it’s much easier. With the latest update, you can edit categories right from the vendor edit page, making the process clearer and more user-friendly.
    • Update: You can now translate vendor subscription categories for a better user experience.
    • Update: Users will now receive proper error messages indicating the need to configure brand assets in Stripe Connect Settings.
    • Fix: We’ve resolved a problem with RMA request validation to guarantee accurate handling of decimal precision.
    • Fix: Free shipping and discount messages now display correctly on mobile screens without any formatting issues.
    • Fix: We’ve fixed an issue where deselecting the latest module caused bulk actions to malfunction.
    • Fix: The auction module menu now displays correctly on the vendor dashboard after activation.
    • Fix: The default product status for auction modules is now properly set according to product status settings.
    • Fix: The catalog-only product visibility setting now functions correctly in live search.
    • Fix: Text within the vendor verification module can now be translated for better accessibility.
    • Fix: We’ve fixed an issue where the quote page appeared broken on mobile devices for guest users.
    • Fix: We’ve added support for responsive layouts in the support table for better usability.
    • Dokan WPML Version 1.1.0
    • Update: We’ve added support for translating single strings related to Shipping Status, RMA Reason, and Abuse Report.
    • Update: Various custom field values for Vendor Subscription products are now synchronized with translations for a smoother experience.
    • Update: We’ve added support for WPML to ensure seamless integration with Dokan Vendor Subscription.
    • Update: Query parameters are now preserved when switching languages with WPML, maintaining consistency across translations.
  • Dokan Pro v3.10.0 Release Banner
    • New: Introducing Dashboard Menu Manager! Admins can now easily manage which menus appear on the vendor dashboard and customize vendor dashboard menus.
    • Update: FontAwesome library was upgraded to version 6.5.1.
    • Update: Premium features now automatically lock upon subscription expiration.
    • Update: Dokan Vendor Subscription now supports WPML.
    • Fix: Corrected calculation error in WooCommerce Analytics for Dokan sub-orders.
    • Fix: [EU Compliance Fields] Resolved deprecated warnings for Germanized integration in EU Compliance Fields.
    • Fix: [SPMV] Search functionality is fixed for “Other available vendors” in SPMV when WooCommerce booking is enabled.
    • Fix: [RFQ] Order creation issue addressed for admin approval and conversion to quote in RFQ.
    • Fix: [RFQ] Visibility issue fixed for “Reverse Withdrawal Payment” & “Product Advertisement Payment” products in Request for Quotation.
    • Fix: Refund processing is now functioning correctly via the API in Gateway.
    • Fix: Translation issue has been resolved in the RMA Customer table.
    • Fix: Announcement now correctly sent only to enabled vendors.
    • Fix: [Stripe Express] Issue resolved with the Stripe Express webhook not functioning after recent updates.

  • Dokan Pro v3.9.10 Release Banner
    • New: We’ve added support for PHP 8.2.
    • Fix: Are special characters causing trouble? Not anymore! We’ve fixed an issue where HTML entities appeared in the store category name.
    • Fix: We’ve sorted out the percentage calculation glitch for address and payment info in the Dokan seller setup wizard.
    • Fix: We’ve addressed the issue where product input fields were showing on variable product variations.
    • Fix: All variations now come with a menu order, as they should.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where Marketplace coupons weren’t applied if they excluded a product.
    • Fix: We’ve made sure coupons meant for one vendor stay with that vendor only.
    • Fix: We’ve ensured coupons generated for specific vendors or stores only work for their products.
    • Fix: No error messages for invalid coupons? Problem solved! You’ll now see error messages on the cart page for invalid coupons.
    • Fix: [Auction] Vendors are unable to add downloadable files for auctionable products. Fixed! Now, downloadable files save correctly for auctionable products.
    • Fix: [Store Review] Resolved an issue where, after deleting Store Reviews from the WP Admin Dashboard > Dokan > Store Review screen, the review count would remain unchanged at the top of the review list. Now, the review count updates properly after deleting reviews.
    • Fix: [TableRateShipping] If you were encountering fatal errors with the Google Distance Matrix API, worry no more! We’ve eliminated those errors, even when the API takes longer to respond.
    • Fix: [RequestForQuote] Fixed the inconsistency in Priority between the “Add to Cart” and “Add to Quote” buttons on the Simple and Variable Products page. Now, the buttons behave consistently across product pages.
    • Fix: [RequestForQuote] No more “X” button clutter! We’ve removed the “X” button from Quote Details after the quote has been converted to an order.
    • Fix: Fixed issues where some strings in Dokan shipping settings and related screens couldn’t be translated using WPML, improving localization for multilingual users.
  • Dokan Pro v3.9.9 Release Banner
    • Update: [Vendor Staff] We’ve added support for Vendor Staff to create Auction and Booking products in a single step.
    • Fix: [Auction] Auction products now appear correctly on the vendor dashboard’s auction listing page when the HPOS feature is enabled.
    • Fix: Previously, when a product was on sale, its original price wasn’t visibly crossed out, causing confusion for shoppers. Now, both the original and sale prices are clearly displayed, making it easier for customers to understand the discount and make informed purchasing decisions.
    • Fix: Resolved a fatal error when updating an order from the admin panel with the HPOS feature enabled.
    • Fix: [Vendor Discount] Resolved a PHP warning on the cart page when a customer clicks on an order again for a completed order from the My Account page.
    • Fix: [Live Search] Previously, certain payment options like reverse withdrawal and product advertisement were mistakenly appearing in the live search results, causing confusion. Now, these irrelevant payment products are no longer displayed in the search results, ensuring a more accurate and user-friendly browsing experience for customers.
    • Fix: [Store Support] Resolved an issue with email triggering when the site’s default admin email address differs from the registered admin email.
    • Fix: Addressed a console error after updating a store category from the Dokan single vendor edit page.
    • Fix: Corrected misleading email subject and title for Product Replacement Request Notifications to Vendors.
    • Fix: Ensured product attribute names are translatable with WPML.
    • Fix: Ensured the delivery time, date time picker is translatable.
    • Fix: Addressed an issue where the Connect with Stripe button was not translatable in Stripe Express.
    • Fix: Resolved a translation issue where the mobile number field placeholder was not translatable.
    • Fix: Previously, on the vendor dashboard’s Return Requests page, the word “on” in table row titles couldn’t be translated, leading to inconsistency. This issue is now resolved, allowing for full translation of all table row titles, improving clarity and consistency for vendors managing return requests.
    • Fix: Resolved a translation issue where the vendor and customer support ticket status and number hash were not translatable.
    • Dokan – WPML Integration Version 1.0.10
    • Fix: Addressed translation-related issues with specific menu items in the Vendor Dashboard when using WPML.
    • Fix: Resolved WooCommerce error notices occurring when the Dokan WPML Integration plugin is active.
    • Fix: Rectified PHP warnings related to the creation of dynamic properties.