
What’s New

New releases, improvements, and updates to Dokan

  • Dokan Pro v3.7.26 Release Banner
    • Fix: Fixed a fatal error while upgrading to Dokan Pro starter and professional plans.
  • Dokan Pro v3.7.25 Release Banner
    • Update: [Stripe Express] Failed Payment Requests with Metadata Now Logged for Stripe Express Module.
    • In previous versions of the Stripe Express module, Stripe Payment Intent for failed payment requests was not accompanied by any metadata logs. Metadata was only logged for successful payments. However, with the latest Update, whenever a payment request fails, a detailed log entry with associated metadata will be generated.
    • Update: [Vendor SubscriptionProduct] Added support for filtering purchased subscriptions via customer under vendor dashboard product subscription listing page.
    • The subscription product listing page on the vendor dashboard has been upgraded with the addition of customer-based filtering. This new enhancement allows vendors to conveniently filter their subscription products based on their customers.
    • Update: [Store Support] Added store_id and order_id metadata support for store support API.
    • Previously it was impossible to create a new support request via REST API. With these changes, it is possible to add store support via API.
    • Update: [Booking] Added attribute support for Add New Booking product page under the vendor dashboard.
    • Previously, vendors can not add attributes to new booking products. At first, they have to create a booking product, save it, and then the attribute section would appear for any operation. Now from the start, vendors will be able to add or edit attributes on the new booking page.
    • Update: [Refund] Marked fully refunded line item input fields as disabled if that item was fully refunded.
    • Now, there will be no confusion about the refunded amount and input on the order refund window. Only The refundable input will be displayed during an order refund.
    • Update: [Vendor Analytics] Default period for analytics set to last 30 days.
    • The default date range is set as the last 30 days from the date range picker. It will resolve the confusion of not displaying current date data as the Google Analytics API provide the report data till the previous date.
    • Fix: [Stripe Express] Improved handling of language changes during vendor onboarding. Previously, if a user changed the language on the Stripe onboarding page, they were redirected to the Vendor Dashboard → Payment settings page and had to restart the onboarding process. Now, users will be automatically redirected back to the Stripe onboarding page if they change the language during onboarding.
    • Fix: [Booking] Removed unnecessary product type filter from Bookable products listing page. Previously, the Bookable products listing page included a Product Type filter to filter the product listing by product type. However, since only bookable products are displayed on this page, the filter was unnecessary. This Fix removes the Product Type filter from the Bookable Products listing page.
    • Fix: [Report Abuse] Resolved an issue with the API endpoint when the items argument was an empty array.
    • Fix: Fixed a fatal error on the withdraw endpoint if admin set an empty string for Minimum Withdraw Limit under Dokan Settings → Withdraw Options
    • Fix: [Delivery Time] Update Order Delivery Time emails are not being sent to guest customers.
    • Guest customers now receive Update Order Delivery Time emails Previously, when an order was placed by a guest customer, neither the Admin nor the Vendor Update Order Delivery Time emails were sent. The system was unable to recognize the guest user’s email, leaving the recipient field empty in the email log. This issue has now been resolved.
    • Fix: [Vendor Analytics] Fixed a fatal error on the vendor dashboard analytics page.
    • There was an error when the vendor tried to see the store analytics in the dashboard while the Google Analytics Account is not connected in admin settings. The error has been Fixed.
    • Fix: [Auction] Fixed an issue where auction products can be created without some mandatory field from the vendor dashboard.
  • Dokan Pro v3.7.24 Release Banner
    • Fix: [Vendor Verification] Fixed a fatal error and some warnings when the vendor verification module is enabled.
  • Dokan Pro v3.7.23 Release Banner
    • New: Added API support for withdrawal disbursement vendor settings.
      Below New API endpoints has been added:
    • Update: [VendorVerification] Added Email template support for the emails triggered by the vendor verification feature.
    • Updated vendor verification document approval emails to use an email template file instead of being written directly in the code. Also, the email templates are now fully translatable.
    • Update: [VendorAnalytics] Added support for Google Analytics version 4.
      We understand your concerns about the closing of the Google Analytics API for Universal Analytics and the move to only support Google Analytics Version 4. Our team has worked hard to ensure a smooth migration from UA to GA4. You can now create New Streams and/or migrate your data and metrics to Google Analytics 4.
    • Update: [VendorAnalytics] Removed product quantity and URL size restrictions for analytics queries.
      We understand the frustration caused by the URL size limitation in the Google Analytics API V3. With the Update to GA4, we’re happy to announce that this restriction has been lifted.
    • Update: [VendorAnalytics] The date format for the “From” and “To” date pickers now matches the website’s date format.
      Previously, these fields displayed dates in the default browser format of ‘yy-mm-dd’. This ensures consistency in the display of dates across the website.
    • Update: [RequestAQuote] Customers now receive an Order Confirmation email when their quote is converted to an order, providing clarity on the status of their quote.
      Customers now receive a New Order Confirmation email when their quote is converted to an order. This Update addresses previous uncertainty about the status of quotes by sending a notification to the customer as soon as their quote is approved and ready for payment.
    • Fix: [WPML] Fixed issue with WPML and Dokan where payment redirection and webhook URLs were being translated.
      When the WPML plugin is set up with Dokan by the site admin and additional languages are added to the website, the payment redirection and webhook URLs displayed in both admin and vendor settings were being translated. However, for these URLs to work correctly, they need to remain in the website’s main language. We have made changes to ensure that these URLs do not get translated and remain correct.
    • Fix: [VendorShipping] Added validation for free shipping availability for vendors using the Dokan shipping method.
      This Update extends the support for WooCommerce free shipping validation to include vendors using the Dokan shipping method, ensuring consistent validation across all vendor shipping options.
    • Fix: The date and time format for the Shipping Tracking Shipment Timeline now matches the website’s global settings.
      This Update ensures that the timeline displays dates and times in the format specified in the website’s settings and localization options, rather than using a Fixed format.
    • Fix: [VendorShipping] Shipping zones in the Vendor Shipping Settings now reflect the sorting order set by the Admin in the WooCommerce Admin settings.
      Previously, the sorting order of shipping zones was not displayed correctly in the Vendor Shipping Settings, causing confusion for vendors. This Update ensures that shipping zones are displayed in the correct order according to the Admin’s settings.
    • Fix: Resolved an issue with importing products on the vendor dashboard when using Arabic translation with Loco Translate.
      It appears that there was a problem or bug when attempting to import products on the vendor dashboard, specifically when the site is translated into Arabic or other right-to-left (RTL) languages using the Loco Translate plugin and the Automatic Translate Addon For Loco Translate plugin. However, the issue with the product import has been resolved and Fixed.
    • Fix: [RequestForQuote] Quote Rules are applying for products under the vendor dashboard product listing page.
      Vendors can now view their own product prices on the vendor product dashboard in the Dokan plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce. Previously, when a quotation rule was applied to a vendor, it prevented them from seeing their own product prices on the dashboard. This issue has been resolved, providing a more transparent experience for vendors using the plugin.
    • Fix: [StoreOpneCloseTime] Resolved an issue where vendors were unable to configure their store’s opening and closing times using a mobile device.
      Previously, in the mobile responsive view, the open and close times were hidden and the time-picker was malfunctioning, preventing vendors from setting their store hours. This Update ensures that vendors can now easily set their store hours using a mobile device.
    • Fix: [DokanRefund] Resolved an issue where the refund template did not allow for child theme overrides.
      Previously, when a refund was processed, the Dokan template was always used instead of any customizations made in a child theme. This issue has been addressed by updating the load_order_items() function in ajax.php to check for a child theme version of the template before defaulting to the Dokan template.
    • Fix: [StoreReview] Resolved a translation issue where Comment box is empty string wasn’t translatable.
  • Dokan Pro v3.7.22 Release Banner
    • Update: [Admin Report] A new column has been added to the admin commission report in WordPres Dashboard → Dokan → Reports → Logs to display Shipping Tax. Additionally, detailed tooltips have been included to indicate the type of earnings for both admin and vendors.
    • Update: [Vendor Dashboard] Added Shipping tax refund restriction based on tax settings. In Vendor Dashboard → Order Details page,, a new restriction has been added for Shipping tax refunds. This restriction is based on the tax settings and will prevent vendors from refunding Shipping tax if it is not allowed by the tax settings.
    • Update: [Delivery Time] Delivery time selection now prevents choosing past times.
    • Delivery time selection has been improved to prevent the selection of past times. This ensures that users cannot choose a delivery time that has already been passed.
    • Fix: “Change Store Photo” text blocks image upload clickable region. Fixed an issue where the “Change Store Photo” text blocks the image upload clickable region under WordPress Admin Dashboard -> Dokan -> Vendors -> Edit Page.
    • Fix: [Product Reviews] Disabling Product Reviews in WooCommerce Does Not Hide Reviews Menu in Vendor Dashboard. Fixed an issue where disabling product reviews in WooCommerce does not hide the reviews menu in the vendor dashboard. If the admin turns off the option to enable product reviews in WooCommerce by going to WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Products, the review menu would still be visible from the Dokan vendor dashboard.
    • Fix: Fixed some warnings and fatal errors for PHP versions 8.1 and 8.2. The issue was caused by the Dokan Pro plugin code that was not compatible with the latest PHP versions. With this Fix, the Dokan plugin code is now compatible with PHP versions 8.1 and 8.2. Note that, WordPress and WooCommerce still don’t support PHP version 8.1 and 8.2
    • Fix: [Dokan WPML] Fixed an issue where categories were not appearing on the multistep category UI when using the latest version of WPML Multilingual CMS and it was not configured.
    • Fix: [Vendor Dashboard] Translation wasn’t working for some modules eg: Seller Badge.
    • An issue with translation in Vendor Dashboard has been resolved. Previously, translation was not functioning for some modules, such as Seller Badge.
    • Fix: [EuCompliance Fields] Fixed new customer created from checkout page getting a “None” user role. Fixed an issue with user role assignment during account registration from the WooCommerce checkout page has been resolved. Customers will now be correctly assigned the Customer role.
    • Fix: [Stripe Express] An issue with saving payment methods for customers without a billing address in Stripe Express module has been resolved.