
Otel offers various widgets to customize your hotel booking marketplace and add the necessary shortcuts to your content. You can add those e widgets to different sections of your website. Let’s see how to use these widgets on your website.

At first, you need to navigate to Appearance–> Themes. As Otel is your activated theme, click the Customize button.

Go to Appearance

You will be redirected to the theme customizer page. There you will see all the widgets option,

Widget from customization

You can customize the widgets from here.

widget option

Sidebar Widgets#

By default, you will see the Categories block (it will display all the product categories), Popular posts block (which will display the popular posts), and Recent posts block (which will display the recently published posts) in the sidebar widget.

Sidebar widgets

Using the blocks you can customize what you want to show. You can show there the number of posts, title, and post dates.

Post widget

But if you want you can add other blocks in the widget as well. Click on the “+” button and search for Otel in the text field. You will see all the Otel blocks.

Sidebar blocks

For example, you can add the Otel: Availability form if you want in the sidebar.

Add block

Footer Widget 1#

In the first footer widget, you will see the Otel: About Us block. You can add a description describing your company, address, mobile, and email id.

Footer 1 About us Widget

Again, you can add or replace this block with your preferred block here.

Footer Widget 2#

You will see the gallery block in this widget.

Footer widget 2

Footer Widget 3#

You will see the Recent Posts block that will show the recent articles on your website. You can decide the number of posts you want to show, and the title of the block as well.

Footer widget 3

Footer Widget 4#

Otel has integration with the popular form plugins. So, you can create any form with any form plugin and use it in the widget. Just write the form name in the text field in order to find the block.

Although it’s compatible with form plugins, but the style will be missing.

Footer 4 widget

You can choose other created forms as well.

Contact form

If you visit the Product/Shop page, then you will see another widget “Shop Sidebar”.

Shop Sidebar#

In the shop sidebar widget section, you will see the availability form, filter products by price, and categories block. But if you want you can customize the section with other blocks.

Shop sidebar