How to Filter and Delete Products

When you have thousands of products available in the Dokan Cloud, to find some particular products, you need the filtering option. 

In order to use the filter option, go to navigate to Products→ All Products and click on the Filter button. 

A screenshot to filter products

Then you will get a side window where you need to apply the conditions to find the product you are looking for. You will get filter options like-

  • Product category
  • Product type
  • Stock status
A screenshot to filter products by category

You can apply multiple filters to find the product you want-

A screenshot to filter products by category

You will find the filtered products in the product list-

A screenshot to filtered products in the product list

This is how you can filter products. 

How to Delete a Product?

In order to delete a product, just click on the Delete button from the dropdown just like below image-

A screenshot to delete a product

This is how you can delete a product from your store. 

You can check out this video on how to filter and delete products on Dokan Cloud