Twilio Dokan Cloud Integration

You can send SMS notifications to your customers using the Twilio integration of Dokan Cloud. SMS is a quick communication tool and is very handy to convey important notifications to customers. 

Here is how you can configure SMS notifications for your marketplace. 

Connect Twilio Account

Go to Integrations→ SMS and click on the Connect button, 

A screenshot to connect Twilio account

Note: You need to have an active Twilio Account to get your ID’s. 

From your Twilio account, collect the-

  • Account SID
  • Auth Token
  • From number 

And add paste them in the text box like below-

A screenshot to SMS settings

Click on the Save Changes button to finish. 

Configure Notifications

You can also activate what kind of notifications you want to send via SMS. You will get options like-

  • Customer Registration
  • Vendor Registration
  • Vendor – Order is Placed
  • Admin – Order is Placed
  • Customer – Order is Placed

You can also write what the message will say in the text box-

A screenshot to SMS settings

Lastly, test your SMS and finish the settings. 

A screenshot to SMS settings

This is how you can connect the SMS gateway to your marketplace. 

A screenshot to SMS gateways