Subscription Plan

In order for vendors to signup and start selling on the Dokan Cloud marketplace, they need to buy a subscription plan. Admins need to create subscription plans for vendors to purchase. 

As an admin, you can either create a free plan or a premium plan for your vendors. 

We will show you how to create and publish subscription plans. 

Login to your admin dashboard and go to Subscriptions Plans. There click on the New Plan button. 

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You will get a whole page where you need to add the necessary details to create your subscription plan. 

You need to add-

Plan Name: Add a meaningful subscription plan name

Description: Write the description of your subscription plan

Pricing and Billing: You need to set the pricing of your subscription. Also, you can set a Setup Fee as well. Then you need to add the billing cycle (month, year, week), billing cycle expiration. 

You can also set a tax class and and Enable Trial period. 

Commission: You need to set the commission as well. You can choose Flat commission or Category Based Commission. 

Capabilities: You also need to set the capabilities vendors will get upon buying this subscriptio plan. The capabilities include-

  • Products
    • Publish product directly
    • No of physical products
    • No of digital products
  • Store Settings
    • Coupon creation
    • Allow multiple address
    • No of vendor staff
  • SEO
    • Store SEO
    • Product SEO
  • Report and Settings
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Hit the publish button to publish the plan. You can keep the plan in draft as wel. 

If you create a Free plan, just enable the Free plan in the pricing and billing section, 

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Also, click on the Edit/Delete button to edit or delete a subscription plan. 

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Here is a video on the Dokan Cloud Subscription Plan