Adding or Removing URLs in Dokan Dashboard

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

If you want to insert a new URL or page to your Dokan frontend dashboard, here are some sample codes that do it.

Add the following codes to your theme’s function.php page.

Inserting New URLs

function prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav( $urls ) {<br />     <br />    $urls['help'] = array(<br />        'title' =&gt; __( 'Help Files', 'dokan'),<br />        'icon'  =&gt; '&lt;i class="fa fa-users"&gt;&lt;/i&gt;',<br />        'url'   =&gt; '',<br />        'pos'    =&gt; 50<br />    );<br /> <br />    return $urls;<br />}<br /> <br />add_filter( 'dokan_get_dashboard_nav', 'prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav' );

Removing Existing URL

Here we are removing the “Reviews” page from the left sidebar.

 * Unset an item from the menu
 * @param  array  $urls
 * @return array
function prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav( $urls ) {

    unset( $urls['reviews'] );

    return $urls;

add_filter( 'dokan_get_dashboard_nav', 'prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav' );

Modifying Existing URL

Lets say you want to change the name “Products” to “Items“.

 * Renames an Item title
 * @param  array  $urls
 * @return array
function prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav( $urls ) {

    $urls['products']['title'] = 'Items';

    return $urls;

add_filter( 'dokan_get_dashboard_nav', 'prefix_dokan_add_seller_nav' );

For detailed instructions, you can read this article on adding an extra menu on Dokan vendor dashboard.