Seller Dashboard Action and Hooks

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

Dokan have hooks for all possible sections on seller dashboard.

Add Product Actions

Hooks on add product.

dokan_new_product_formBefore add new product form subbmit button.
dokan_can_post_noticeAfter add new product form notice.

Edit Product Actions

Hooks on edit product.

dokan_product_data_panel_tabsHook of edit product tab panels tab title.
dokan_product_edit_before_mainBefore product edit main tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_mainAfter product edit main tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_optionsAfter product edit options tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_inventoryAfter product edit inventory tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_shippingAfter product edit shipping tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_attributesAfter product edit attributes tab panel.
dokan_product_edit_after_variationsAfter product edit variations tab panel.
dokan_product_tab_contentHook of edit product tab panels tab content. Perameter ( $post, $seller_id )

Edit Product Sidebar Actions

Hooks on product Edit Sidebar.

dokan_product_edit_before_sidebarBefore product edit sidebar.
dokan_product_edit_after_sidebarAfter product edit sidebar.
dokan_product_edit_after_downloadableAfter downloadable checkbox option.

Product Listing Actions

Hooks on product listing.

dokan_before_listing_productBefore product listing table.
dokan_after_listing_productAfter product listing table.

Note: All hooks of woocommerce plugin are available.