Request for Quotation

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

With the new Request for Quotation module, customers can now send customized quotes on the selected products. This module will create more transparency in the marketplace and help vendors increase the conversion rate.

Let’s see how to set up and use this module on your marketplace.

Activate Module

First and foremost, you need to activate the module. For that, navigate to WP-Admin–> Dokan–> Modules.

this is a screenshot of dokan modules

Next, find the Request for Quotation module and activate it.

this is a screenshot of request for quotation module

Configure Settings

After you activate the module, you will find the settings for quote features in Dokan–> Settings–> Quote Settings.

This is a screenshot of the Dokan Quote Settings

There you will find all the necessary settings like,

Enable quote for Out of Stock Products: Activate this option to enable quotes for out-of-stock products.

Enable Ajax Add to Quote: This will enable Ajax to add to quote feature.

Redirect to Quote Page: This will redirect users to the quote page after the quotes have been added successfully.

Enable product price: This will display the product price, subtotal, and total of the quote basket.

Enable offered price: This will enable offered price and subtotal(offered price) of the quote basket.

Decrease offered price: Add the number in percent to decrease the offered price from the standard price of the product. Leave empty for the standard price.

Enable convert to order: This will give the customer the power to convert the quote to order after getting approved.

Enable quote converter display: This will enable the display of “Quote converted by” in the customer’s my-account quote details page.

Save the changes after configuring the settings. Enable all the options to get the full experience of the Quotation Module.

How to Create a New Quote for a Customer – Admin?

If admins want, they can create a quote for the customers and the customers will receive the quote request via email.

Go to Dokan–> Request for Quotation–> New Quote.

this is a screenshot of new quote

There, they will get a form where they need to add the customer’s name, address, and selected products. Then hit the Save Changes button to finish.

this is a screenshot of new quote form

That’s it.

How to Create a New Quotation Rule- Admin

Admins need to create quotation rules for selected users’ roles. You can create multiple quotation rules.

Go to Dokan–> Request for Quotation–> Quote Rules. There click on the New Quote Rules button.

this is a screenshot of new quote rules button

There you will find a form to add the necessary details,

this is a screenshot of new quote rule form

Admins need to select the user role to apply quote for,

this is a screenshot of user role

If you want to you can add quotation for all the products,

this is a screenshot of apply for all products

Or, you can select products and categories, hide price texts, hide the cart button, and select the button label.

this is a screenshot of selected products

Hit the Save button to finish. You can see the rules on the Quote Rules page.

this is a screenshot of rules added

You can see in the Shop Page that selected products prices are now hidden,

this is a screenshot of prices are hidden

How to Apply for a Quotation by Customers?

If the customer wants to apply for a quotation, first he/she needs to choose a product and click on the Add button.

this is a screenshot of add button

Then, the customer needs to add the offered price and quantity, then click on the Place Quote button.

this is a screenshot of place quote

Then, the customer can see their quote details in My Account–> Request Quotes, click on the View button to see the details.

this is a screenshot of see quote details

If the customers want, they can change the offered price and Update Quote to save the new price.

this is a screenshot of Update quote

How Vendors Will Handle Quotations Requests?

Now, the vendor will receive the quotes on their dashboard. They can see the quotes in Vendor Dashboard–> Request Quote. Click on the View button to see the quote details.

this is a screenshot of dashboard quotes

Vendors will be able to see what the customers have quoted. Either they can approve the quote or they can give a counteroffer and click on the Update Quote button.

this is a screenshot of counterquote

So, when the vendors give a counter offer they need to click on the Update Quote button.

this is a screenshot of update quote button

Then the customers will receive an email about the updated quote and also they can view the new quotes in their account.

Now, customers can also send a new quote. To do that, they just need to update the offered price or quantity or both and hit the Update Quote button.

this is a screenshot of Customer receive new quotes

Vendors will also receive an email of the new quotes from the customer and they can also see the quotes on their dashboard. If they are satisfied, then they have to click the Approve This Quote button.

this is a screenshot of approve quote

After approval, vendors can turn the quote to order by clicking the Convert to Order button.

this is a screenshot of convert to order

However, if the admin has enabled the convert to order option,

this is a screenshot of enable option

Then, customers can also convert the quote to order after the vendor’s approval. They will get an email if the quote is approved.

this is a screenshot of customers convert to order

Vendors can view the order details in the dashboard,

this is a screenshot of quote details for vendors

And in the Request Quote section in the dashboard vendors will see that the status of the quotes has changed to converted after it has been converted to order.

The status Approve will appear until the customer has converted the quote to order.

this is a screenshot of converted

How to Complete Payments for the Quotations

After the quote has been converted, customers can see the order details by clicking on the View Order button,

this is a screenshot of order details for customers

Here are the order details. As you can see the Quote number has been turned into the Order number. The quote number was 5 but order number is 500.

this is a screenshot of order details

To pay for the quote, customers need to go to the order section from Their (My) Account and click on the Pay button.

this is a screenshot of pay button

They will be taken to the checkout page. There they need to use any payment method to pay for the order.

this is a screenshot of checkout page

This is how customers can pay for the quotations.

The admins will see the quotes in the backend,

this is a screenshot of backend

How to Customize the Email Templates

Vendors and customers get 2 types of emails,

  • For Request new quote
  • For Request update quote.

To customize the email go to WooCommerce–> Settings–> Email. There find the above two emails.

this is a screenshot of find emails

Admins can customize their templates from here,

this is a screenshot of customize templates

So this is how users can use the Request for Quotation module on Dokan marketplace.

Note: If vendors enable Request Quote Support, then the settings of Request Quote will take priority over Catalog Mode settings. Or else Catalog Mode settings will get priority.