All the basic settings of Dokan is available on this page. You will find this page by navigating to WP Admin Dashboard → Dokan → Settings.
You can see all the settings options when you are using Dokan Pro. Otherwise if you are using Dokan Lite then you may not find all the options.

In this page, you will see some simple options to control. On the above screenshot, we have shown the default settings that comes right after setting up the plugin.
Site Settings
1. Admin Area Access: The core feature of Dokan is that everyone can control everything form the frontend. As you do not need your users to come on the backend of your site, you can enable this field and nobody will be able to login to wp-admin. Even if someone hits to any back office URL directly from address bar, he will be redirected to the frontend.
2. Vendor Store URL: Normally a store URL looks like Here the name vegetable-shop is the store name and the slug before is predefined. So if you want to change the URL structure, I mean the slug-like- then you have to put “awesome” in this box.
3. Vendor Setup Wizard Logo: If you set up a logo here it will show up in the vendor setup wizard. The recommended Logo size is ( 270px X 90px ). If you do not upload any logo, the site title is shown by default.
4. Disable Welcome Wizard: Check the box to disable welcome wizard for newly registered vendors.
5. Vendor Setup Wizard Message: Type the message vendors will see when they sign up for your marketplace.
6. Selling Product Types: Select the type of products the vendor can sell.
7. Data Clear: Delete all data and tables related to Dokan and Dokan Pro plugin while deleting the Dokan plugin.
Vendor Store Settings
1. Store Terms and Conditions: If you check this option, then the vendor will get an option to enter his own terms and conditions of his store. If the vendor enables this option, then the store will have a new tab named “Terms and Conditions” right below the store banner.
2. Store Products Per Page: Admins can set how many products to display on vendor single store page.
3. Store Category: Setting this field’s value to Multiple will enable the sellers to select multiple categories for their products. If you set the value to Single, then the sellers will be able to select only one category for one product.
4. Product Mail Notification:If you want to get notified when a new product is submitted to your marketplace, then you can enable this option.
5. Vendor Product Review: If you keep this option checked, vendors can moderate customer reviews. The vendors can:
- Approve or disapprove reviews.
- Mark a review as spam.
- Send a review to the trash.
6. Enable Terms and Conditions: This option will add a link to the Terms and Conditions page in the registration form. The terms and conditions page has to be selected from page settings.
7. Store Banner width: You can define the width of the store banner. It is set the default as 625.
8. Store Banner height: You can define the height of the store banner. It is set as the default as 300.
9. Enable Address Fields: Add Address Fields on the Vendor Registration form.
10. Enable Single Seller Mode: Restrict customers from buying from multiple vendors at a time.
Product Page Settings
1.Show Vendor Info: Enable this setting to show vendor information on single product page.
2.Enable More Products Tab: Enable “More Products” tab on the single product page.