Dokan is now fully compatible with the Germanized For WooCommerce plugin. The user’s problem was that the Germanized For WooCommerce plugin was overriding the email verification feature of Dokan.
Whenever a new user registered, Dokan would send an email to that user with a verification link. However, the Germanized plugin was also sending the same email, thus nullifying Dokan’s email verification link.
But now you can easily solve this problem and make Dokan compatible with Germanized For WooCommerce plugin by following these simple steps.
How to Make Dokan Compatible with Germanized For WooCommerce Plugin
Dokan has a feature to verify the user’s email address. You need to navigate to Dokan–> Settings–> Email Verification. There you need to Enable Email Verification.

Now, if you go to WooCommerce–> Settings–> Emails, you will find an email called New account. This is the email that will be sent when a customer signs up via checkout or account pages.You can customize it so that you can make the verification email more personal.
However, because of Germanized For WooCommerce plugin, there is another option called New account activation which does the same thing and overrides the Dokan settings.

This problem occurs If the Double Opt-in option is enabled in the Germanized For WooCommerce Plugin settings.

Don’t worry, when the Double Opt-in option is enabled, Dokan will give you a notice to disable that option in order to activate the email verification feature of Dokan. You can go to the Double Opt-in option by clicking the link on the notification.

Now, to solve this problem you need to disable the Double Opt-in option of the Germanized plugin which you will find in WooCommerce–> Settings–> Germanized–> Double Opt-in.

That’s it! It is that simple.
Note: If you dismiss the notice, then it will stay hidden for one month and will appear again if you haven’t disabled the double opt-in option. And, if you enable the Dokan email verification setting while the Germanized Double Opt-in option is enabled then the Dokan Email Verification process will not work.